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There is no sufficient reason for the Universe to not be Eternal without beginning and end. |
Modern physics is built on the following two postulates formulated by Planck (1900) and Einstein (1905) as essence of quantum mechanics and theory of relativity:
- $E=hf$ where $E$ is energy and $f$ light frequency mediated by Planck's constant $h$.
- $E=mc^2$ expressing equivalence of energy $E$ with mass $m$ mediated by $c^2$ with $c$ the speed of light in vacuum.
In the 2019 SI standard of units the following values of $h$ and $c$ are set by definition:
- $h=1.054571817\times 10^{–34}$ Joule per Herz. (small)
- $c=299 792 458$ meter per second. (big)
Einstein's $E=mc^2$ is then used to define kilo as the unit of mass in terms of $h$ and $c$ with details in this post.
Modern physicists all express that modern physics is strange or more precisely that nature is weird.
It is strange to insist that energy has to be counted as integer multiples of a smallest chunk or quantum of energy $h$ of light. It is weird that light of frequency $f$ consists of streams of light particles named photons of size $hf$, when it is known that light is an electromagnetic wave phenomenon without smallest scale.
It is strange to insist that energy as potential to do work can be equivalent to mass as gravitational/inertial mass as resistance to force/motion. It is like insisting that you eat energy/calories and not food.
The most weird outcome of modern physics is the atomic bomb viewed as the ultimate demonstration of the correctness of Einstein's equivalence of energy and mass. The enormous energy released in the explosion of an atomic bomb from the enormous factor $c^2$ in Einstein's $E=mc^2$, has been exploited by physicists to show the weird power of modern physics thus suppressing any criticism or doubt that modern physics makes sense. But atomic bombs do not make sense...
A consequence of the equivalence of energy and mass, is that mass is lost in exothermic chemical reactions when molecules recombine to release energy, which however can be dismissed as something of no real importance because the loss of mass is so incredibly small, like the mass of the angels on a knives edge of the Scholastics.
But the release of energy in nuclear reactions is so big that a corresponding loss of mass must be made in the best case into an observable fact, when insisting on $E=mc^2$. To start with the loss of mass is referred to as a mass defect indicating something strange, which is computed according to $E=mc^2$ and then cleverly is used as evidence that mass defect is real even if strange, although only computed. Another thing is to measure the mass defect in nuclear reactions, which is not easy because nuclear reactions are delicate to handle and to weigh on a scale to determine gravitational mass. But of course the SI definition of mass in terms of energy can help to show that mass and energy are equivalent, then by definition.
We have now identified why modern physics is viewed to be both strange and weird: Planck and Einstein.
But is it necessarily so that Nature is weird and modern physics is strange. What if Nature is not really weird, because something that is weird cannot exist over time, and then modern physics would not have to be strange.
The classical view is that both energy and mass is conserved. The number of protons of the Universe is then constant, which means that the Universe has no beginning and no end. This is a simple reasonable cosmological theory, which is hard to dispute, and in addition may be true. A reasonable Universe has a bigger chance of existing than a weird Universe, and also to be more understandable as not being strange.
If you ask a contemporary physicist about the physics of $E=mc^2$ and $E=hf$, you will only get the answer that this is all "in the books" combined with a poodle : Sure, it is strange and weird, but that is the way it is and everyone asking for some rationality is a crackpot.
This was not the attitude of Planck, who was very unhappy with his breach from classical continuum physics introducing $h$ as smallest possible chunk of energy. It was Einstein who opened the door to strange and weird modern physics in his quest to trump Newton by opening the door to modernity. Einstein masterfully played the double game of confusing ontology and epistemology allowing strange ideas of human conception to be the same as reality.
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