tisdag 17 januari 2023

Accelerating Expanding Universe: Reality or Illusion?

Hubble's Law collects observations of redshifts of the light from galaxies suggesting that the Universe is expanding away from the Earth at speeds proportional to the distance from the Earth. The Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded work showing larger expansion suggesting an Accelerating Universe with redshifts seemingly corresponding to superluminal speeds at the edge of the observable Universe. 

Speculations about an enormous amount of dark energy as driver of the acceleration expansion were made but, nothing is known about this type of energy supposed to make up 68% of the total energy of the Universe. 

Other speculations seek to solve the mystery generated by the observations of large redshifts by suggesting they are just illusions resulting from measurement techniques. Like the apparent decrease of size with view distance.

Let us make a connection to Many-Minds Relativity where velocities are computed from observed Doppler effects and includes a law of adding two velocities $v$ and $w$ from composite Doppler effects of the form 
  • $v+w+vw$ 

as a variant of Einstein's velocity addition law of Special Relativity. Here $v+w+vw$ is the velocity perceived by an observer X moving with velocity $v$ with respect to another observer Y observing the velocity $w$. 

The computed velocity is seen to be larger than the standard $v+w$, and will increase with increasing number of composite Doppler shifts, which could be connected to increasing distance. In the limit that gives from a nominal real velocity $v$ a computed velocity $\exp(v)$ suggesting an expansion of the Universe which is exponentially increasing with distance. We understand that this is an illusion depending on the way we compute velocities from composite Doppler shifts.

So, we have two possibilities of explaining observations of an expanding Universe: 

  1. dark matter
  2. illusion. 

Which is more reasonable? To believe in 1. requires a massive addition to the total energy of the Universe, a big deal. To believe in 2.  requires simply some understanding of how velocities are computed from redshift observations, no big deal. Your choice.    

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