måndag 23 september 2024

The Power of Leibniz' Principle of Sufficient Reason

Leibniz' Principle of Sufficient Reason PSR states:

  • Everything must have a reason or a cause.
In other words, there is nothing without reason. It is a powerful principle, but it seems to be forgotten in modern physics, where things can happen without cause as in the basic assumption of quantum mechanics with its wave function demanding a statistical interpretation, because of its multi-dimensionality. The life or death of Schrödinger's cat is supposed to be determined by the throw of a dice thus without reason in direct contradiction to PSR. 

In a previous post PSR was used to show equality of inertial and gravitational mass, which to Einstein was his Equivalence Principle EP assumed as a basic hypothesis of his General Theory of Relativity GR seemingly without reason.

We can use PSR to settle some mysteries of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity SR concerning the rate of clocks moving with respect to each other with constant velocity (inertial motion). The rate of a mechanical clock like a pendulum cannot depend on inertial motion because the mathematical equations carrying a precise description of the functioning of the clock do not depend on inertial motion (because Newton's 2nd Law does not). There is therefore no reason for clock rates to depend on inertial motion and according to PSR they do not. This means that SR claiming such dependence contradicts PSR. 

As concerns Big Bang, SPR says that since there is no reason for a hot dense initial state to ever exist, it never happened. 

So if we hold on to PSR, then we have to give up SR. We collect:
  • PSR implies EP. No need to assume EP as hypothesis as in GR.
  • PSR contradicts SR. 
  • PSR shows that Big Bang did not happen.
Your conclusion?

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