onsdag 25 september 2024

Neo-Newtonian Cosmology 2

Every time you look up into the night sky with amazement, you ask yourself the basic question of Cosmology as the science of the Universe as a whole: 

  • Is the Universe infinite or bounded?                       (Q1)
An expert physicist will tell you:  
  • An infinite Universe with uniform non-negative mass is empty. 
So you are left with the question typically posed by a child: 
  • A finite Universe must have a boundary, but what is outside the boundary?   (Q2)
A modern expert physicist may tell you that Einstein's General Theory of Relativity offers an answer in the form of an analogy of the surface of a sphere as a 2d surface in 3d space, which is finite but yet without any boundary, in the form of a 3d surface in 4d space, which unfortunately is beyond your finite ability of understanding (and probably so for everybody). 

So you are essentially left without answer to Q1+Q2 asking an expert physicist. In the previous post I as non-expert physicist/expert mathematician outlined a possible answer along the following lines:
  1. Imagine an infinite empty universe Uzero with $\Phi =0$ a zero gravitational potential with corresponding zero mass $\Delta\Phi =0$, with $\Delta$ the Laplacian differential operator. 
  2. Imagine a small scale small amplitude oscillating perturbation/fluctuation of $\phi$ of $\Phi$ with corresponding small scale large amplitude mass density $\rho =\Delta\phi$ of variable sign, thus with both positive and negative mass. 
  3. Gravitational force $-\rho\nabla\phi$, which is attractive/repulsive for mass densities of same/opposite sign, will collect into larger finite regions of same sign with one of them with positive mass density of finite size as the universe U we happen to live in, bordering to universa of negative mass. 
  4. Substantial kinetic energy is collected from gravitational concentration of mass.    

 We are thus led to an answer to Q1+Q2 in the form:

  • The universe U we live in has positive mass + lots of kinetic energy + is finite and is generated by fluctuation of a zero gravitational potential with infinite extension.
Do you see this possibility? You find details to this scenario under tag New View on Gravitation.

PS A vague idea of repulsive gravitation has been floating around as a possible origin of dark energy. 

2 kommentarer:

  1. Does negative mass interact/combine with positive mass when they meet? Does negative mass obey the same laws of physics (e.g. have the same periodic table)? Does negative mass have negative kinetic energy?

  2. I suppose the relation between addition and multiplication may be somehow like that between negative mass and antiparticles?
