tisdag 3 september 2024

Gravitational Potential as Primordial without Instant Action at Distance

                                           Gravitation cannot be stopped. Why?

New Newtonian Gravitation explores a view that gravitational potential $\phi (x)$ is primordial as generator of both space with Euclidean coordinate $x$ and matter with density $\rho (x)$ by the assignment

  • $\rho (x)=\Delta\phi (x)$ for all $x$ and all time       (NGnew)
as instant-local-action performed by Laplace's differential operator $\Delta$. 

This is to be compared with the standard view with instead matter density primordial and gravitational potential generated as solution to the differential equation
  • $\Delta\phi (x)=\rho (x) $ for all $x$ and all time       (NGold)
with gravitational force $-\nabla\phi$ from instant-action-at-distance. (NGold) thus harbours the main unresolved mystery of Newtonian gravitation motivating Einstein's General Theory of Relativity GR supposedly without need of instant-action-at-distance. (NGold) and also GR ask for some form of graviton particle as force carrier, which has not been found, and is not needed in (NGnew). The standard view is that all atoms in the Universe are connected/attracted to each other by exchanging a stream of gravitons as force carriers, which is an absurd idea.  

The reason matter is viewed as primordial as generator of gravitational potential, is of course that matter is visible (except for dark matter) while gravitational potential/force is invisible. 

Replacing (NGold) by (NGnew) replaces unthinkable instant-action-at-distance mediated by gravitons as force carriers, by thinkable instant-local-action and so does not force giving up Newtonian gravitation as the formidable success of mathematical thinking it is. 

(NGnew) with gravitational potential as primordial without gravitons may explain why it is impossible to "stop gravitation" by some form of barrier in the same way as light can be prevented entering your bedroom by pulling the curtains.

It is impossible to prevent local action by setting up some barrier to influence from outside. We can compare with "external enemies" which can be stopped at the border, and "internal enemies" which can show up anywhere and so cannot be stopped. 

(NGnew) gives a rationale why blocking gravitation is impossible.

Summary: (NGnew) is compatible with observations that gravitation cannot be prevented from acting out. There is no space which is free from gravitation. The gravitational potential is everywhere but you cannot see it, only its action on matter like Newton's falling apple. The gravitational potential as primordial can generate both space and matter. There is no vacuum. Space is generated when being filled with gravitational potential generating matter. Is this a new revelation, or already dismissed?

Compare with fancy of Gravity with an On/Off Switch.

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