onsdag 30 november 2022

Why You Cannot Heat Yourself by a Mirror

When now winter approaches and energy costs are sky-rocketing, you may find yourself desperately seeking means to survive from freezing to death and all possibilites must be tested. Right?

Here is one possibility which typically can be put forward by anyone who believes that all bodies including your own emit a stream of photons with total heat energy scaling with $T^4$ with $T$ absolute temperature according to the Planck-Stefan-Boltzmann Law PSB independent of the temperature of the surrounding. Although this is a misconception of PSB, which in true form also includes the temperature of the surrounding, it is commonly believed even by physicists to be a fact and as such may propose the following:

Put up mirrors around the walls of your living room, if this is where you plan to hide during the winter (Germany allows only one room to be heated), and say to yourself: All these photons that I emit will be reflected back to me from all the mirrors and so I will be heated as much as I am cooling. This is nothing but the so called "greenhouse effect" heating the Earth surface from "back radiation" from the atmosphere supposedly acting somewhat like a mirror sending back radiation from the surface. 

Before you go buying all these mirrors, let me tell you why this won't work by referring to the analysis presented on Computational BlackBody Radiation: This is because transfer of heat from one body A to another B only occurs when say A is warmer than B, and this is because then A emits radiation with higher frequencies than B and it is these higher frequencies that have a heating effect on B lacking these frequencies.  

It is the same as transfer of knowledge from one person who is more knowledgable to a person less knowledgable. In both cases a threshold effect comes into play with the threshold set by the less knowledgable/cooler body. This effect is not present if you think of radiation as a stream of photons where something very essential is missing.

To those who believe that radiative heat transfer involves a stream of photons back and forth between bodies, I suggest to go to buy the mirrors, make a test and report back to me. Good Luck! 

Or check out Computational BlackBody Radiation and save that effort. You will then understand why you cannot heat yourself by a mirror, or teach yourself all by yourself anything above your threshold, or lift yourself in the hair!

3 kommentarer:

  1. Tack Claes! Har inte läst ännu. Tänkte direkt på Schrödingers parallella katt när Du hör av dig! Men den lär väl vara begravd nu. Ser att det rör sig om speglar. Sådana vi har vi har i rymden kanske. Blir inte så energirik när jag kollar mig själv i spegeln. / Lennart

  2. I have never understood this idea that returning radiation could increase temperatures. If that could happen, then the subsequent outgoing radiation would increase, the new returning radiation would increase, and the temperature would rise again - and the cycle would continue to an infinite temperature. It is the same as a perpetual motion machine, only worse - it cannot be stopped once started. A really amazing idea.

  3. LOL@Klimate Katastrophe Kooks5 december 2022 kl. 10:12

    I've been absent for awhile due to a computer catastrophe... something wrecked three drives and the GPU on my old computer. Can't have been a virus... an offline scan of the drives shows no problems. Can't have been a utility power glitch... the computers are behind a TrueSine UPS with a large battery bank. I suspect the circuitry which controls voltages to the mainboard went bad, and that wreaked havoc on stuff.

    So I'm on a new computer. I never even attempted to boot it on Windows, just went right to Linux. It's running Zorin OS. Very nice operating system. Takes way less hard drive space than Windows, and about the same memory usage (which, a lot of that is the ZFS ARC cache... if you're running EXT4 file system, it'd take far less memory than Windows). Not easy to get it installed, what with UEFI, TPM and Secure Boot, but protip: disable TPM, clone the internal drive to a USB drive (if you want to preserve the original MS Windows just-in-case), then completely wipe the internal drive, remove the partitions and zero the sectors. UEFI will see that the drive is now blank, and will drop the Windows boot entry, so when you install Linux, it automatically comes up as the default boot choice.

    So... Zorin OS, ZFS file system, L2ARC cache drives on the bpool and rpool, and I'll be adding a mirror drive for data redundancy soon... it's quite the neat setup. I am now completely de-Google'd and de-Microsoft'd, on computers and phone (Teracube 2e Emerald). No corporate spyware, no ads, no selling of my personal information, no tracking, etc. It's nice.

    Anyway... exactly correct, Claes. The entire CAGW facade is hinged upon a misuse of the S-B equation, using the form meant for idealized blackbody objects:
    q_bb = ε σ (T_h^4 - T_c^4) Ah
    = 1 σ (T_h^4 - 0 K) 1 m^2
    = σ T^4
    ... upon real-world graybody objects, when they should be using this form:
    q_gb = ε σ (T_h^4 - T_c^4) Ah


    That allows the warmists to claim that all objects greater than 0 K emit radiation, regardless of ambient temperature (when in reality, idealized blackbody objects greater than 0 K emit radiation, whereas real-world graybody objects greater than 0 K above their ambient emit radiation).

    But that's a layer of abstraction... temperature is a measure of radiation energy density, equal to the fourth root of radiation energy density divided by Stefan's constant:
    e = T^4 a
    a = 4σ/c
    e = T^4 4σ/c
    T^4 = e/(4σ/c)
    T = 4^√(e/(4σ/c))
    T = 4^√(e/a)

    So what the warmists are essentially claiming is that energy can flow without an impetus (that impetus being an energy density gradient), without work being done... and conversely (although they wouldn't dare expose their sophistry by doing so) that work can be done without energy having to flow.

    It should be noted that idealized blackbody objects are provable contradictions and that they don't actually exist... they're idealizations. The closest we can get is laboratory blackbodies which have high absorptivity and emissivity at certain wavelengths... but even laboratory blackbodies do not absorb all radiation incident upon them, nor do they emit all radiation they absorb (which would imply a heat capacity of zero, given that Kirchhoff's Law of Thermal Radiation is predicated upon all energy being in the radiation field in the cavity space and none in the cavity walls).

    So... all of CAGW is predicated upon mathematical ineptitude, at its base.
