This is a continuation of previous post. ChatGPT informs that atoms can be divided into diamagnetic with paired electrons (no net spin) and paramagnetic with unpaired electrons (with net spin) with opposite non-zero reactions to a magnetic field. According to Standard Quantum Mechanics StdQM.
But these effects/reactions are incredibly small and can only be observed in laboratory settings with very strong magnetic fields of 1-20 Tesla, while the Earth's magnetic field is about $10^5$ times weaker. The magnetic field gradient in the Stern-Gerlach experiment viewed as evidence of electron spin, is very steep about 10-100 Tesla/m.
We learn that electron spin is manifested as a very small magnetic effect. Yet electron spin serves a fundamental role in StdQM by dividing matter into bosons like photons and fermions like electrons with different spin characteristics.
In particular, Pauli's Exclusion Principle PEP for electrons/fermions is formulated in terms of spin allowing two electrons with different spin to share common space, which is forbidden/excluded for same spin.
PEP serves a fundamental role in StdQM to theoretically explain the periodic table and chemical reactions. StdQM theory collapses without PEP.
Electron spin has a very weak magnetic effect, much weaker than Coulombic attraction/repulsion between electric charges, but yet it governs the world of atoms and molecules according to StdQM theory.
We are thus led to the following apparent contradiction::
- Electron spin has a very weak physical effect, which according to theory is very strong.
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