torsdag 29 februari 2024

Why Do Physicists Not Buy Wolfram' New Kind of Science?

Stephen Wolfram famous creator of Mathematica is now presenting a new approach to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics based on A New Kind of Science in the form of fundamental computational rules forming a Ruliad. 

Wolfram does not belong to the inner circles of modern physicists where he is met with skepticism because of "too much computation" with the Ruliad leaving out the fundamental mathematical models of physics such as the Euler, Maxwell and Schrödinger equations, because they do not have Ruliad computational form. 

I have suggested to Wolfram to meet the skepticism by including computational forms of these equations into the Ruliad following an idea I have long been pursuing based on viewing real physics as a form of analog computation which can be mimicked and understood by digital computation. 

A main result of this idea is a new explanation and understanding of the 2nd Law as an expression of (i) finite precision computation and (ii) instability or non-wellposedness as detailed in Computational Thermodynamics and in popular form in The Clock and the Arrow. 

The rule is here a computational form of the Euler equations for fluid flow with solutions exhibiting unavoidable irreversible turn to turbulence as an understandable expression of the 2nd Law. 

Recall that the 2nd Law is the main unresolved mystery of classical physics, which modern physicist no longer care about. 

I thus share the idea of Wolfram to view physics as a form of analog computation, but think his Ruliad is too limited to contain real physics. 

It remains to see if Wolfram is interested to expand his Ruliad to include e g the Euler equations in computational form. That would meet the criticism from main-stream physicists. 

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