onsdag 14 februari 2024

Macroscopics Emerging from Microscopics (or the other way around)

Fluid flow/electromagnetics shows emergence of large scale effects in the form of vortices and waves from small scale interaction of atoms and molecules, as an expression of 

  • Macroscopics =  Emergent Phenomenon of Microscopics.       (E)
To give a meaning to (E) involves upscaling of a mathematical model of microscopics/quantum mechanics into a model for macroscopics/fluid flow in a bottom-up process

The standard Schrödinger equation for quantum mechanics is not well suited for upscaling since it is a multidimensional probabilistic model, while fluid flow is described by Navier-Stokes equations and electromagnetics by Maxwell's equations, as deterministic 3d continuum models. 

RealQM is based on a different Schrödinger equation as a deterministic 3d continuum model with seamless coupling to macroscopics of fluid flow/electromagnetics. 

The trauma troubling modern physics since 100 years is the perceived incompatibility of multidimensional probabilistic quantum mechanics and Newton's theory of gravitation as a deterministic 3d continuum model, as well as electromagnetics. The trauma gets even worse replacing Newton by Einstein into the present crisis of modern physics. 

RealQM as a deterministic 3d continuum of model of microscopics is compatible with Newton's theory of gravitation as a deterministic 3d continuum model of macroscopics, which is not at all traumatic. Even better, it appears as a unified field theory for quantum mechanics + gravitation/electromagnetics.  

We may then ask if gravitation is an emergent phenomenon of RealQM? Or does it not matter? 

On microscopic scale gravitation is a very very weak force, and so it appears to be very difficult to find the origin of macroscale gravitation in some form of quantum gravity, because the required upscaling is of size $10^{40}$. 

In this situation it may be more fruitful to turn the telescope around and view the mass $\rho$ of an electron to be given as $\Delta\phi$ of a macroscopic gravitational potential $\phi$ in a top-down process as explored in recent posts with label New view on gravitation. 

In both bottom-up and top-down it is helpful if top and bottom are described by the same mathematical model (3d deterministic continuum model). This is possible with RealQM.

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