Instant action at distance is a fundamental element of both macro-scale gravitational mechanics and micro-scale quantum mechanics in the form of Newton’s Law of gravitation and Coulomb’s Law of electrostatics.
The idea is that the presence of a mass/charge at one point in physical space without time delay generates a force at all other points decaying with the inverse square of distance, as the fundamental force of both classical and modern physics of Newton/Einstein and Heisenberg and Feynman as the golden boys of quantum mechanics, and of course Schrödinger.
It also formed the foundation of the now forgotten, but once great, physicist Joseph Boscovich (1711-1787) as expressed in his monumental "A Theory of Natural Philosophy reduced to one unique Law of forces that exist in Nature" stating that the World is the result of instant action at distance of attractive and repulsive forces on both small and large scales. This a nothing but a Grand Unified Theory and what remains is to fill in details about the forces and in particular to explain how instant action at distance is realised, which has remained a fundamental mystery of physics. See the book Roger Boscovich-The Founder of Modern Science, by Stoiljkovic.
One way to summarise physics is to recall that both Newton's Law and Coulomb's Law take the form of Poissons’ equation:
- \Delta \phi (x) = \rho (x) (1)
where \Delta is the Laplacian acting in 3d space with coordinates x, \phi (x) is gravitational/electric potential and \rho (x) is mass/charge density. This is a consequence of in the equation (1) viewing \rho (x) as a locally given source generating the potential \phi (x) globally as a solution to Poisson's equation which can be seen as a form of instant integration/summation process sending local source information instantly around globally as instant action at distance. Forces are generated as \nabla\phi (x).
Boscovich's Theory that all force is instant action at distance contradicted the classical idea that forces are transmitted by contact, adding the explanation that there is always some little distance between different material bodies including atoms maintained by ever-present repellation thus reducing physics to
one unique Law. See the book
Roger Boscovich- The Founder of Modern Science by Stoiljkovich.
It is natural to consider (1) as a limit of the following time dependent heat/wave equations:
- \epsilon\dot\phi -\Delta \phi = -\rho, (2)
- \ddot\phi -\Delta\phi = -\rho, (3)
where the dot indicates differentiation with respect to time t, and \epsilon >0 is small constant formally reducing (2) and (3) to (1) when tending to zero. The expanded models require some form of heat conduction or wave propagation medium/ether giving physics to action at distance with finite speed.
On the other hand (1) could be argued to not require any medium, since force transmission is replaced by instant action at distance, but then again without explanation.
I have argued that that there is a way out of this dilemma by shifting the conception of the meaning of the equation (1) to a view with rather the potential \phi (x) as primary source from which both force \nabla\phi (x) and mass \rho (x)=\Delta\phi (x) are generated through the local action of differentiation by the Laplacian differential operator.
In this view potentials are primary from which everything (force/mass/charge) is generated by local differentiation. In particular it gives a new view on the quantum mechanics of an atom, where the primary concepts are the kernel and electron potentials, and the atom with kernel and electrons is generated by the Laplacian and then required to satisfy Schrödinger's equation.
In physics it is natural to search for sources generating effects in a cause-effect setting, but the precise mechanism of generation may be difficult to pin down, e g exactly how differentiation generates mass from gravitational potential, or how instant action at distance comes about.
This connects to Leibniz' idea of a Pre-established Harmony beyond human inspection. The gravitational potential-mass harmony expressed by (1) may be of this kind.
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