A carbon atom C has up to 4 valence electrons and forms a very large variety of compounds by connecting to 1 up to 4 other atoms as CO, CO2 and CH4...
Graphene is a 2d hexagonal pattern of carbon atoms each atom connecting to 3 other atoms, thus involving 3 valence electrons.
We now let RealQM compute the energy of C in the following shell configurations:
- 2+4 (2 electrons in 1st shell, 4 in 2nd shell) (code)
- 2+2+2 (2 electrons in 1st shell, 2 in 2nd shell and 2 in 3rd shell) (code)
- 2+3+1 (2 electrons in 1st shell, 3 in 2nd shell and 1 in 3rd shell) (code)
and get close to the a reference ground state value of -37.7 Hartree in all three cases. We also compute ionization energies in 2+2+1 (
code) and 2+3 (
code) configuration in agreement with a reference value of 0.4 Hartree.
Altogether, RealQM gives a picture of C with 3 possible ground states of about the same energy available to form molecules with 1-4 bonds.
The view of standard QM stdQM is that the ground state configuration of the C atom is 1s^22s^22p^2 with 2 electrons in spherically symmetric orbits in 1st shell, 2 electrons in spherically symmetric orbits together with 2 electrons in p-states in 2nd shell, which suggests that 1-2 valence electrons are available, but the 3 in graphene.
To get 3 valence electrons in stdQM various hybrid sp-orbital states are introduced to give the following picture of the 2d hexagonal pattern of a graphene sheet with each carbon atom connected to 3 other atoms involving 3 sp2 valence electrons and the 4th electron hoovering above and under (or around) the sheet:
We can connect the RealQM 2+3+1 configuration to this picture with 3 electrons centered in a plane and a 4th out-of-plane electron as 3d enclosure.
RealQM approaches the electron distribution in atoms and molecules as a real physical packing problem in 3d. RealQM is ab initio. RealQM is computable at iPad power.
StdQM uses a formal approach based on molecular orbits which have no real physical meaning. StdQM involves a set of ad hoc rules (Pauli, Hund's rules 1-3...) and is not ab initio. StdQM fills the books on Quantum Chemistry with a message that it works, even if stdQM itself is a mystery. StdQM is uncomputable on any thinkable digital computer.
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