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Atomic nuclei consist of about the same number of protons and neutrons |
This is a continuation of a previous post on the possibility of viewing a Neutron consisting of a proton and electron as a smaller analog of a Hydrogen atom again consisting of a proton and electron. In particular it suggests that atomic nuclei consisting of nearly the same number of protons and neutrons is held together by a strong force which is an electromagnetic force acting on a smaller scale than the electromagnetic force keeping an atom/molecule together.
To see the analog, consider the H2+ molecule consisting of two protons and one electron which acts like an glue keeping the two protons together into a molecule from the attractive force between the protons and the electron in between, which is stronger than the repulsive force between the protons and forms the H2+ molecule having a dissociation energy of about 1eV at a distance of about 1Å. This is what the Schrödinger equation says. In atomic units the Schrödinger equation is parameter-free with unit length scale, and the physical dimension is set through Planck's constant and the mass/charge of the electron. You can view and play with the Schrödinger equation for H2+ here.
We next consider a nucleus consisting of a proton and a neutron, as the nucleus of deuterium as an isotop of hydrogen, thus two protons and one electron just as the H2+ molecule. The difference is the scale with the nucleus being much smaller than the molecule. It now appears to be conceivable that a nucleus is again held together by electromagnetic forces in the same way as the molecule, just on a smaller physical scale scale. In other words also the nucleus would be governed by the Schrödinger equation just on a smaller physical scale. How much smaller physical scale?
It follows from Schrödingers equation that energy scales like $d^{-2}$ with the dimension $d$. The decay energy of a neutron is around $10^6$ eV thus around $10^6$ times the dissociation energy of H2+ of about 1 eV. This indicates a scale factor of about 1000 between atomic and nuclear scale.
The typical size of an atom is 1Å or $10^{-10}$ meter. The size of a nucleus is decided by shooting high energy alpha particles at the nucleus and measuring the point of closest approach to be about $10^{-14}$ meter, thus with a scale difference of 10.000. But it is possible that the effective size is bigger, and so the factor 1000 may capture reality.
We are thus led to the following
Question: Is the strong nuclear force in fact an electromagnetic force acting on small scale?
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