söndag 28 maj 2023

Einstein before Newton as Root of Crisis of Modern Physics

ChatGPT can be used to get answers to scientific questions, which cannot readily be found in the scientific literature. This is because GPT has browsed a lot of text and is not yet smart enough to cover up if something is fishy and needs cover up.  Here is one example:

  • Me: Did Einstein prove that Newton's inverse square law is wrong?
  • GPT: No, Albert Einstein did not prove Newton's inverse square law of gravitation to be wrong. Einstein's theory of general relativity does not invalidate Newton's law of universal gravitation but provides a more comprehensive and accurate description of gravity in certain regimes.
So we are told that Einstein did not prove Newton's theory of gravitation with its inverse square law to be wrong. Einstein's general theory of relativity does not invalidate Newton's theory. This is what GPT has learned by reading text which thus is what some text says: Einstein gave more comprehensive and accurate description of gravity in certain regimes, not covered by Newton's theory. 

Newton's theory of gravitation including its spin-off of Newtonian mechanics fostered the scientific revolution of the 18th century and serves together with Maxwell's electromagnetics and quantum mechanics as the foundation of modern society. 

Nevertheless, we are told that we have to give up Newton's theory of gravitation/mechanics and replace it with Einstein's theory, even if Newton's inverse square law is not wrong, because there are regimes outside Newton's mechanics.

The prime such regime is electromagnetics described by Maxwell's equations, which does not include gravitation. 

So we are told that we have to abandon Newton's theory for Einstein's theory, because Newton's mechanics does not include electromagnetics.

Even if the logic is missing, this is what Einstein did in his special theory of relativity starting with electromagnetics without gravitation and then finding a form of relativistic mechanics without gravitation different from Newton's. Modern physicists following Einstein thus claim that 
  • Newton's mechanics with gravitation but not electromagnetics, 
must be replaced by 
  • relativistic mechanics with electromagnetics but not gravitation.  
The logic was missing and so Einstein went on to include gravitation in his general theory of relativity reducing to Newton's theory in regimes without electromagnetics. 

Einstein with followers are responsible for the present crisis of modern physics resulting from this unfortunate combination: 
  • Newton has to be replaced by Einstein even in regimes perfectly covered by Newton.
  • Einstein is not compatible with quantum mechanics, while Newton is.   
The crisis can be solved if Newton's mechanics is allowed to reign within the vast regimes it covers. This would restrict Einstein's relativity theory to concern only certain very extreme cases such as black holes, so extreme that even Einstein's theory can be questioned on very good grounds. 

Who is ready to take this step? Where are all the followers of Newton?

Sum up: 
  • In Newton's mechanics gravitational force is fundamental. 
  • In Einstein's special theory there is no gravitation at all. 
  • In Einstein's general theory there is no gravitational force.  

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