tisdag 30 maj 2023
Weak Experimental Test of General Relativity
måndag 29 maj 2023
Perihelion Precession of Mercury vs Modern Physics vs Pataphysics
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Science of Imaginary Solutions: Pataphysics |
Einstein's General Theory of Relativity GR (1915) is viewed to be a crown jewel of modern physics replacing classical concepts of space, time and motion under gravitational force expressed in Newtonian mechanics, by an entirely new geometric world of "curved space-time" without gravitational force.
Newton's mechanics fostered the scientific revolution in the 18th century, while GR opened to the revolution of modern physics of the 20th century.
At least, this is what (most) modern physicists tell us: Newton's world of mechanics has to be replaced by Einstein's GR world of geometry. More precisely, Newton's mechanics has to be replaced by GR only for extreme speeds or gravitational force/curvature, while GR and Newton agree in most cases.
The acceptance of GR has grown only slowly over the 20th century, since evidence of superiority of GR over Newton has shown to be evasive, as expressed by fact that the first Nobel Prize directly connected to GR was given only in 2020 to Roger Penrose:
- for the discovery that black hole formation is a robust prediction of the general theory of relativity.
So it is not clear that Newton fails as concerns Mercury. An example of the correction brought by viewing Sun-Mercury as a true two-body problem still within Newtonian mechanics, with Mercury influencing the motion of the Sun, instead of a one-body problem with fixed Sun, is given in
- The secret of planets’ perihelion between Newton and Einstein by Christian Corda.
PS1 The Nobel Prize to Penrose/GR is more precisely motivated as follows:
- A black hole is a supermassive compact object with a gravitational force so large that nothing, not even light, can escape from it.
- In 1964, Roger Penrose proposed critical mathematical tools to describe black holes.
- He showed that Einstein’s general theory of relativity means the formation of black holes must be seen as a natural process in the development of the universe.
- He was also able to describe black holes in detail: at their farthest depths is a singularity where all known laws of nature dissolve.
söndag 28 maj 2023
Einstein before Newton as Root of Crisis of Modern Physics
ChatGPT can be used to get answers to scientific questions, which cannot readily be found in the scientific literature. This is because GPT has browsed a lot of text and is not yet smart enough to cover up if something is fishy and needs cover up. Here is one example:
- Me: Did Einstein prove that Newton's inverse square law is wrong?
- GPT: No, Albert Einstein did not prove Newton's inverse square law of gravitation to be wrong. Einstein's theory of general relativity does not invalidate Newton's law of universal gravitation but provides a more comprehensive and accurate description of gravity in certain regimes.
- Newton's mechanics with gravitation but not electromagnetics,
- relativistic mechanics with electromagnetics but not gravitation.
- Newton has to be replaced by Einstein even in regimes perfectly covered by Newton.
- Einstein is not compatible with quantum mechanics, while Newton is.
- In Newton's mechanics gravitational force is fundamental.
- In Einstein's special theory there is no gravitation at all.
- In Einstein's general theory there is no gravitational force.
lördag 27 maj 2023
Universality of Free Fall: Newton vs Einstein
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Hawking in Free Fall |
Newton's theory of gravitation is described by
- \rho =\Delta\phi (mass density \rho given by gravitational potential \phi), (1)
- a =-\nabla\phi (Universality of acceleration a in Free Fall = UFF), (2)
- \rho a = f (Newton's 2nd Law mass x acceleration = force) (3)
fredag 26 maj 2023
Modern Physics vs Classical Physics
After at chat with ChatGPT I have learned that the essential difference between modern and classical physics is that the postulates of modern physics, the postulates of relativity theory and quantum mechanics, are not directly testable experimentally, while this is a key requirement of classical mechanics.
It seems to be more constructive to discuss physics with GPT than with a living modern physicist typically taking a very defensive position admitting nothing.
Now, a physical theory based on postulates about facts of physics, which cannot be directly tested experimentally, and thus cannot be directly falsified, runs the risk of being a self-fulfilling prophecy without real value. This may well be the case concerning relativity theory based on postulates of (i) general principle of equivalence of gravitational and inertial mass and (ii) general covariance of physical laws, which cannot be tested experimentally.
Laws or Postulates of classical mechanics, such as Hooke's Law, Coulomb's Law, Fourier''s Law and Newton's Law of Gravitation, can all be tested and verified experimentally. A theory based on postulates of basic laws of physics express logical consequences of these laws. If the postulates can be verified, then the theory is valid. If not, the theory lacks factual basis and has no value.
In modern physics the fundamental principle of testability of basic postulates, has been given up and so may reduce to free speculation. A return to classical physics with testable postulates is necessary. There is no reason to start with postulates which cannot be directly tested. Unless you want to invent a new theory based on speculations possibly without factual basis, and so become a modern physicist of reputation. Your choice!
Newton is Back!
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Cam Newton is Back! |
The main advancements of physics the last 100 years consist of (i) quantum mechanics as physics on small scales, and (ii) Einstein's relativity theory as physics on large scales. This proclaimed success story of modern physics is shadowed by a realisation that (i) and (ii) are inconsistent/incompatible, and so cannot both be true.
While quantum mechanics opens classical physics to new atomistic scales, Einstein's relativity theory represents a definite break with Newton's theory of gravitation as the crown jewel of classical physics. The key question concerns the connection between mass density \rho and gravitational potential \phi, which is represented by Newton's equation
- \Delta\phi (x,t)=\rho (x,t). (N1)
- \phi (x,t) = -\frac{1}{4\pi }\int\frac{\rho (y,t)}{\vert x-y\vert }dy, (N2)
- \rho (x,t)=\Delta\phi (x,t) (N3)
- \epsilon\dot\phi (x,t) = \Delta\phi (x,t)-\rho (x,t), (N4)
- Newton/Maxwell + quantum mechanics = harmony.
- Einstein + quantum mechanics = disharmony!
onsdag 24 maj 2023
Birth of Modern Physics: Relativity of Simultaneity
In 1905 Einstein pulled the carpet under classical physics by showing that common agreement cannot be reached whether two events at different locations in space are simultaneous in the sense of taking place at at the same time, coined as relativity of simultaneity. Einstein did this in a "thought experiment" showing that synchronisation of clocks to show the same time, is impossible if the clocks are widely separated in space because of the time delay in communication even at the speed of light. Einstein argued:
- So we see that we cannot attach any absolute signification to the concept of simultaneity, but that two events which, viewed from a system of co-ordinates, are simultaneous, can no longer be looked upon as simultaneous events when envisaged from a system which is in motion relatively to that system.
Einstein claimed this showed Newton's mechanics to be wrong, because it required absolute simultaneity, which could not be established. This was a revolution forming the new modern physics based on Einstein's theories of relativity:
- Newton is wrong because of relativity of simultaneity!
- What role does simultaneity serve for the World to go around?
- Is absolute simultaneity necessary for Newton's mechanics to make sense?
- While the concept of events occurring at different places in space but at the same moment of time (i.e., distant simultaneity) is the subject of heated discussions, the analogous concept of two events occurring at different moments of time but at the same place in space has hardly, if ever, been given serious attention.
- Two events happen at the same place at the same time.
- Two events at distant places happen at the same time.
- Two events at the same place happen at different times.
- \Delta\phi (x,t) = \rho (x,t) (classical law of gravitation)
- \rho (x,t)=\Delta\phi (x,t) (new law of gravitation)
- The bus will leave at 12.00. (modern society)
- The bus will leave when it is full. (classical physics)
tisdag 23 maj 2023
Einstein's Principle of Relativity vs Free Society
In the previous post we searched for the basic postulates of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity and came upon Einstein's Principle of Relativity EPR presented as follows on Wikipedia:
- In physics, the principle of relativity is the requirement that the equations describing the laws of physics have the same form in all admissible frames of reference (space-time coordinate systems).
måndag 22 maj 2023
Postulates of Newton's vs Einstein's Theory of Gravitation?
Modern physicists claim that Newton's Theory of Gravitation NTG must be replaced by Einstein's General Theory of Relativity GR as a mathematical model of motion on scales from planetary to galactic.
The basic postulate of NTG is the Poisson equation \Delta\phi =\rho connecting gravitational potential \phi (x) with mass density \rho (x) in terms of a Euclidean space coordinate x. This relation can mathematically be deduced from the following two physical principles
- Gravitational force F(x) is conservative and as such is the gradient of a potential: F(x)=-\nabla\phi (x).
- The divergence of F(x) expresses presence of mass density (as a sink): \nabla\cdot F(x)=-\rho (x).
- gravitational mass = inertial mass (E)
- General Principle of Relativity GPR: Physical laws take the same form for all observers independent of motion, also named covariance.
- Equivalence Principle = E.
söndag 21 maj 2023
Why Not GUT/TOE as Newton+Maxwell+Schrödinger?
There is a Grand Unified Theory of physics GUT (or Theory of Everything TOE) in the form of Newton's Mechanics + Maxwell's Electromagnetics + Quantum Mechanics expressed as partial differential equations over continua of 3d Euclidean space coordinate systems and time:
- Newton's equations of macroscopic motion of matter/mass subject to gravitation.
- Maxwell's equations for light without mass/charge and matter with charge.
- Schrödinger's equations for microscopics of electromagnetics.
- SR/GR is claimed to differ from Newton's Mechanics only in utterly extreme situations, such as black holes or space ships approaching the speed of light, so extreme that even SR/GR falls short.
- SR/GR is incompatible with quantum mechanics, and thus makes modern physics into non-physics without a GUT.
- SR/GR is understood by very few, if any, and so its practise is sparse, while Newton's Mechanics is understood and practised by many.
- Presented experimental evidence concern detection of extremely weak signals from extremely massive violent large scale cosmological phenomena, such as gravitational waves from the merger of two black holes in the LIGO experiment.
- Is it necessary to replace Newton by Einstein?
- Is GUT in the form of Newton+Maxwell+Schrödinger impossible?
fredag 19 maj 2023
Do Galaxies Recede at a Speed larger than the Speed of Light?
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Maximally observed redshift z=8. |
The light from far away galaxies receding from us with a speed v is received with a redshift frequency factor given by the Doppler effect formula with the speed of light normalised to 1:
- f=\frac{1}{1+v}
- 1+z=\frac{1}{f}
onsdag 17 maj 2023
Is Einstein > Newton?
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Einstein: Newton, forgive me! |
Modern physicists are trained to say that Newton's mechanics as the cornerstone of classical physics must be replaced by Einstein's mechanics to serve as a new cornerstone of modern physics. If you ask for reasons to give up the best we have, you get the answer that of course this would be stupid and that in fact Einstein differs from Newton only in very extreme cases with black holes as a key example, albeit beyond even Einstein's theory.
To see what can be wrong with Newton's mechanics, let us follow the line of thought of New Newtonian Cosmology and extended Newtonian gravitation with labels to previous posts. Here all mechanics ultimately is rooted in gravitation from a primordial gravitational potential \phi (x) depending on a Euclidean space variable x with motion under gravitational force -\nabla\phi (x). The motion of a body with position x(t) at time t is monitored by Newton's laws of motion with the dot denoting differentiation with respect to time:
- \dot v +\nabla\phi =0 (1)
- \frac{v^2}{2} + \phi (x) = constant.
- m\dot v +m\nabla\phi =0 (2)
- m\dot v = F(x). (3)
- \Delta\phi =\rho. (4)
måndag 15 maj 2023
The Black Hole Of Modern Physics
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Newtonian and Einsteinian Mechanics |
The Universe is formed from micro-scale electromagnetics and macro-scale gravitation. The essence of modern physics, as compared to classical (Newtonian) physics, is (i) the theory of quantum mechanics for micro-scale electromagnetics/light without gravitation, and (ii) Einstein's theory (special+general) of relativity for gravitation without electromagnetics/light.
These two theories are hailed as the greatest triumphs of human intellect all times, way beyond Newton's mechanics, but there is a caveat: Quantum mechanics is viewed to be incompatible/inconsistent with general relativity. There is no convincing theory of modern physics including both electromagnetics/light and gravitation as the building blocks of the Universe, despite the more than 100 years which have passed since (i) and (ii) were introduced.
There is thus bitter poison in the cup of glory when modern physicists are celebrating their achievements. If (i) and (ii) are incompatible/inconsistent/contradictory, then either (i) or (ii) must be wrong. Both cannot be true. The acknowledgement by leading physicists that this is so, is then viewed to be an act of scientific heroism rather than incompetence.
It is also admitted that there is no incompatibility/inconsistency between quantum mechanics and (iii) Newton's gravitation, only with Einstein's gravitation (ii). It is also admitted that Newton's mechanics captures almost everything on a macroscopic scale.
What is then the difference between (ii) and (iii), that is between Einstein's equation and Newton's equations for a mechanical system subject to gravitation?
The quick answer is: not much! It is like putting a moustache on da Vinci's Mona Lisa, which Dali did with a simple pen stroke (+added his own eyes). Mona Lisa is a true masterpiece made by a true master, while Dali's version is a simple distortion albeit done by a genius of some sort. But an art curator may tell you that Dali's version offers a whole new view on the World, da Vinci has been surpassed.
It is the same with (ii) and (iii): Einstein's equation reduces to Newton's equation in a system without space-time curvature like the flat Universe we apparently happen to have around us. Einstein's equation is is supposed to describe some ultimate extreme case like a black hole, which however is so extreme that observation is impossible, like a true real lady with moustache never to be seen.
To be more precise, what are the observations showing that Newton's equations have to be replaced by Einstein's? A prime example is still Einstein's correction of size 45 to the 531 arcseconds/century prediction of the very slow precession of the perihelion of Mercury's elliptic orbit around the Sun, made by solving Newton's equation including all the planets in the Solar system. Einstein thus made a small correction of about 10% to an already very small effect computed by carefully solving Newton's equations, like putting a moustache on Mona Lisa and then claiming a complete revolution of world view. Or more accurately, after modifying Mona Lisa in a way which is not observable.
Einstein computed his "correction" by hand on the back of an envelope in several attempts during the 1910s until finally getting the desired result known beforehand, while solving Newton's equations for the Solar system from scratch by hand calculation is a formidable task, of course today feasible by computer.
Einstein thus did not solve his equation to predict the precession, because he could not and this is still the case today even with biggest possible computer.
What is truly remarkable, is that solving Newton's equations for the Solar system within the precision offered by the uncertain values of the gravitational constant, masses/positions of planets and the Sun, gives a prediction over a century in accordance with observation. In other words, da Vinci's Mona Lisa is as perfect it can be. There is no real need to modify neither Newton's equations nor Mona Lisa!
In any case, modern physicists claim that Newton's equations have to be replaced by Einstein's equations even if solutions differ so little that it is beyond measurement. Einstein expressed his hesitance to take this step in "Newton, forgive me". In fact, modern physicist only took this step in 1950's after 50 years of brooding.
The question remains: Why has modern physicists driven themselves into an impossible situation with two main theories which are inconsistent/incompatible, if there is not really any good strong scientific reason to do so? If Newton is ok also today? Why has Einstein been chosen to be the icon of modern physics, thus reducing Newton? Which were the leading physicists in the creation of this myth?
The crisis of modern physics witnessed by leading modern physicists may be seen as the inevitable result of a contradiction originally created by a young patent clerk desperately searching for scientific recognition, and succeeding!
The aspect of small correction beyond observation is also present in Einstein's E=mc^2 with the mass defect in chemical/nuclear reactions too small to measure, a formula known by everybody as a fetish of modern physics without real meaning. Einstein's physics thus concerns corrections to known physics, so very small that experimental verification invariably rises more questions than answers.
Recall that according to E=mc^2 fully turning 1 grain of sand (as 0.000001 of 1 kg) into energy would suffice to heat an ordinary home in Sweden one year. One grain of sand! This would be 1 billion times more efficient then burning carbon, and 100-1000 times more efficient than what can be reached in a nuclear reaction. In other words, only a very small fraction of mass is really "equivalent" to energy, and so E=mc^2 has little if any meaning, yet is the beacon of modern physics visible to everybody.
Recall that the mass m viewed to effectively be transformed into energy E in a nuclear reaction, is computed from m=\frac{E}{c^2} and then shows to be 100-1000 smaller than the total mass involved. The "equivalence" of mass and energy thus appears as a formality from assuming E=mc^2, which has driven modern physics into a dead-end of contradiction. If anything: mass is not "equivalent" to energy. E=mc^2 cannot be used to predict the energy release in a chemical/nuclear reaction, because the small fraction effectively released is hidden.
Recall the previous post on the new 2019 SI specification of unit of mass (kg), which is explicitly based on E=mc^2 thus making this relation into a definition including also a specification of the speed of light c to be exactly 299792458 m/s in a specification the unit of length m.
The cornerstones of Einstein's contribution to science, E=mc^2 and the constancy of c, thus appear as definitions or SI agreements, which are to be viewed to be true independent of any physical reality and as such are empty of physics in the same way that the specification that there are 100 centimeters on a meter does not say anything about reality.
Mathematicians make a clear distinction between between definition or agreement, which cannot be false, and theorem, which can be false or true. This is expressed in mathematical text by clearly announcing Definition: and Theorem:.
Modern physicist make no distinction between between definition or agreement, which cannot be false, and physical law, which can be false or true. E=mc^2 and constancy of c are thus introduced as definitions/agreements and then turned into physical laws, which cannot be false. This opens a black hole to modern physics.
Or is it ok to use E=mc^2 in the form m=\frac{E}{c^2} to define mass in terms of energy E and c^2 as an agreement among physicists (to be accepted by also the people). Does it hurt to make a possibly arbitrary agreement about something and then adjust other things accordingly. Of course we can agree that there are 50 centimetres on a meter and adjust measure accordingly. It could be a bit awkward but would cause a collapse of physics. In this spirit we could view E=mc^2 as a formality, which does not have any real consequence, just an empty gesture to salute Einstein. But by Occam's Razor such an empty gesture could as well be dispensed with. Insisting would just add to the mystery of modern physics.
We may compare with Newton's 2nd Law F=am with F force, a acceleration and m inertial mass, which is the analog of the corresponding relation for gravitational force, gravitational acceleration and gravitational mass as primordial with thus force defined as gravitational force. Here F=am gets real physical meaning by the fact that inertial mass = gravitational mass. In other words, the gravitation potential is primordial making bodies move according to gravitational forces thus prescribing motion to other (ultimately electromagnetic) forces. In this sense F=am is a physical law and not only an agreement.
fredag 12 maj 2023
E=mc2 as Fetish vs Atomic Bombs
In addition to the experimental tests of E=mc^2 of the previous post, let us consider a bit more the difficulties of such tests. On microscopic scale the required accuracy is hard to reach in a convincing way. This includes both nuclear and chemical reactions measuring mass before and after reaction. It is possible to restrict the science to just consider the binding energy as it is, as a form of energy, without connecting it to any mass defect which is difficult to assess.
In any case, on macroscopic scale the accuracy requirement may be less of a problem and so we may envision the following tests:
- Stretch an elastic spring to give it energy to do work. According to E=mc^2 its mass should increase. Compare with an unstretched otherwise identical string using a balance scale and record the difference.
- Similarly, use a balance scale with two weights in balance to record if heating changes the balance.
torsdag 11 maj 2023
Experimental Test of E=mc2?
Let us seek experimental test for the cornerstone of modern physics Einstein's E=mc^2. We find on MIT News 2005: E=mc2 passes tough MIT test (as a celebration to Einstein's Annu Mirabilis 1905):
- MIT physicists report the most precise direct test yet of Einstein's most famous equation, E=mc2. And, yes, Einstein still rules.
- The team found that the formula predicting that energy and mass are equivalent is correct to an incredible accuracy of better than one part in a million. That's 55 times more precise than the best previous test. Team member prof. Pritchard says:
- "In spite of widespread acceptance of this equation as gospel, we should remember that it is a theory. It can be trusted only to the extent that it is tested with experiments....If this equation were found to be even slightly incorrect, the impact would be enormous -- given the degree to which [it] is woven into the theoretical fabric of modern physics and everyday applications such as global positioning systems."
- (We meet here the common claim by physicists that GPS relies on relativity theory (E=mc^2), which is not the reason GPS works).
- The mass loss was obtained at MIT by measuring the difference between the mass of the nucleus before the emission of a gamma ray and after.
- Pritchard informs: "Determining the mass difference requires the individual masses to be measured with the incredible accuracy of one part in 100 billion -- equivalent to measuring the distance from Boston to Los Angeles to within the width of a human hair! This doesn't mean it has been proven to be completely correct. Future physicists will undoubtedly subject it to even more precise tests because more accurate checks imply that our theory of the world is in fact more and more complete."
- It was not a verification of E = mc2, but just another experiment to deduce the mass of the neutron. To date, we have not measured the true mass of the neutron to any degree of accuracy; we only have a deduced estimate of the neutron mass based on the mass-energy equivalence of E = mc2.
Conservation of Mass/Energy vs Biggest Flaw of Modern Physics?
The previous post took a look at the proclaimed mass defect in chemical and nuclear reactions releasing energy: A mass defect or loss of mass exactly corresponding to the energy release is to be computed from E=mc^2. This showed a flavor of agreement/definition instead of actual real physics with mass defect in contradiction to conservation of mass (1) as a basic principle of physics. We also exhibited the origin of mass as reactivity to a gravitational potential.
We may compare with conservation of energy (2) as the other basic principle of physics. Here energy is seen as potential to do work and can take the form of potential (e g chemical) energy or kinetic energy connected to motion. If now according to Einstein's E=mc^2 energy is "equivalent" to mass, then the two conservation laws (1) and (2) can be replaced by simply conservation of mass + energy (3), which is what Einstein had in mind, presumably: Mass can be converged to energy and vice versa, while the sum mass + energy remains constant. Fair enough. Clearly (3) follows from (1) + (2) and so cannot be disputed.
But (1) and (2) do not follow from (3) in the presence of mass defect. If mass is really converted to energy, then neither mass nor energy is conserved, only their sum mass+energy.
So here we stand. Two entities of different origin, mass as reactivity to gravitation, and energy as potential to do work, have been made “equivalent” as an expression of some deep modern physics expressing that mass+energy is conserved, but not both mass and energy separately.
Is this a step forward to a deeper understanding of the Universe? This connects to the biggest flaw of modern physics which is to not offer a consistent theory including both gravitation and quantum mechanics, despite tremendous efforts by the sharpest minds over more than 100 years. Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity of Gravitation are Incompatible!! What can be the reason? After all, the Universe is built from the (a) quantum mechanics of atoms + (b) gravitation. How could (a) and (b) be incompatible? What would a Universe look like if being formed from incompatible physics? An Incompatible Universe?
Is it so that we if we insist that (a) and (b) are the same corresponding to energy being "equivalent" to mass according to E=mc^2, then we seem to be led into a dead end where everything is confused or "incompatible". It is like claiming than man = woman, a principle which is causing a lot of confusion in society. For sure there are shared aspects but if two different concepts are made "equivalent" by agreement/definition, then confusion is created.
It may well be that if gravitation/mass is kept different from atoms/energy, then process can be made, while if confusion is allowed to reign, then no progress is possible. Ready to try? Take a look at the listed labels on the blog: new quantum mechanics and extended Newtonian gravitation which are certainly compatible!
In the next post I will investigate what concrete evidence there is that E=mc^2 is true physics, and not just an agreement. To prepare recall that Einstein somehow "derived" this relation in his Special Theory of Relativity to be a consequence of a postulate stating that all observes independent of inertial motion will have to measure the speed of light so that they get the same value named constancy of the speed of light. In other words, they have to use clocks and meter sticks to meet this end. More precisely, since 1983 all observers are demanded to use the SI Standard meter stick as the distance traveled by light over a certain length of time. The SI Standard thus commands all observers to agree on the same value of the speed of light: one light second/second = 1.
But a command, or agreement if no observer objects, is just an agreement and as such is void of true physics. That the Earth is round is not an agreement, but a true physical fact. The agreement before was that the Earth is flat, and it is only recently that this agreement has evaporated. It would today be silly to say that Earth is round because we have agreed that it is. It is not agreement that makes the World go around. It goes around even if there is disagreement. But it is very difficult to get a modern physicist see the difference between agreement and physical fact, definition and theorem in mathematics.
Modern physicists all agree that the Standard Model is correct, and so this is the way Nature is even if very strange...but understanding that real science boils down to showing that something is not so strange...
Here is an article leading into the next post: 103 years Later. Einstein Proven Correct. So it took modern physicist 103 years to come up with some real experimental evidence of E=mc^2. But the experiment is very tricky and so can be questioned. If E=mc^2 is indeed correct physics as the incarnation of modern physics, why has it been so difficult to verify experimentally? It would seem more likely that since it is so difficult to demonstrate, it cannot be true physics. Only an agreement that the Earth is flat, which you can argue is true in some sense agreed upon, but which is not really the whole story.
onsdag 10 maj 2023
Mass Defect vs Conservation of Mass
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Here is the standard view connecting mass defect to E=mc^2. |
Material bodies consist of matter formed by the elementary particles of protons and electrons, which do not ever decay and so express conservation of matter. The amount of matter is measured by the number of protons and electrons (and neutrons composed thereof). Matter is connected to gravitational mass manifested by free fall acceleration in a gravitational field scaling with the strength of the field, while being independent of the amount of matter/mass. As a result, all material bodies exhibit the same gravitational acceleration independent of composition. Conservation of matter translates to conservation of mass in the sense that mass does not change under gravitational free fall.
Assuming that inertial mass = gravitational mass, which is a cornerstone of both Newton's and Einstein's mechanics, it follows that all material bodies independent of composition react in the same way subject to gravitation or acceleration.
In particular, material bodies do not get ripped apart under gravitation, as the basic observation by Galileo. Further, a body in free gravitational fall will gain speed while loosing potential energy, while its mass will be conserved and not change.
In chemical reactions the composition of molecules consisting of atoms consisting of protons and electrons change, but mass is conserved within measurement precision. So far so good.
If we now bring in Einstein’s E=mc^2 as the golden apple of his Special Theory of Relativity SR, that is the idea that somehow mass m is ”equivalent” to energy E mediated by the factor c^2 with c the speed of light, then things become strange. Einstein thus claims that in an exothermic chemical reaction releasing heat energy, there must be a corresponding mass defect with a loss of mass although the number of protons and electrons is the same after as before. However, this defect is too small to be measured, but in principle according to Einstein it is there, even if it cannot measured. This sounds like ghost science claiming ghosts to exist even if they cannot be detected.
But Einstein comes back in the case of nuclear reactions, claiming that the enormous release of energy in a nuclear explosion exactly corresponds to a mass defect according to E=mc^2, exactly. This is still under conservation of number of protons and electrons, since like in a chemical reaction only the composition (now of the nucleus) changes. And since the energy release is so big the mass defect is now measurable and then turns out to exactly match E=mc^2. Can anyone question this? In particular since the match is so precise! Exact!
Now the mass concept of SR is mysterious since it is supposed to change with velocity vs different observers using different reference frames moving with different velocities, and so be observer dependent, which appears to conflict with conservation of mass. If mass/matter is number of protons and electrons and this number does not change, then how can it be that different observers have different conceptions of mass? Are they not able to count?
This is a question which a child can pose, but it seems that physicists have no better answer than: Yes that is strange, but this is the way it is. Just accept it!
But it is easy for a suspicion to grow that in SR mass defect is computed from E=mc^2 to exactly fit with observed heat energy release. The mass defect would then not be the result of a measurement, which would be viewed to be superfluous, since anyway it is to be computed from E=mc^2. In other words, A = mass defect is claimed to be a consequence of B = E=mc^2. That is, B implies A or assuming B we obtain A.
Now there is a lot confusion concerning the logic of implications, since often A implies B is viewed to be the same or at least a consequence of B implies A. But this is not correct logic. Nevertheless this incorrect logic is often used as argument to support that indeed E=mc^2 must be correct, since there is so much energy released in a nuclear explosion. But there is nothing in a nuclear reaction that has anything to do with the speed of light.
Another thing to remember is that the mass-corrections from SR only become significant for speeds comparable to the speed of light. In the atom or the nucleus nothing is moving att such speeds and som the relevance of SR for atoms and nuclei is hard to motivate. You find as Many-Minds Relativity and analysis different from SR of measurements/perceptions of mass at velocities comparable to the speed of light.
The net result is that conservation of mass and mass defect appear to be contradictory, and since there appears to be very good arguments for conservation of mass, we are led to conclude that mass defect is an illusion created by assuming E=mc^2 and computing mass defect from observing energy release. In particular, the argument that the existence of nuclear explosions proves E=mc^2, can be seriously questioned, even if modern physicists view it like undeniable evidence.
Recall that E=mc^2 is derived from an assumption that all observers measure the same speed of light independent of inertial motion, which however is not an assumption (which can be wrong) but an agreement or definition (which cannot be wrong), since the unit of length (meter) is nowadays agreed to be measured in terms of the distance traveled by light over a certain length of time determined by the same atomic clock for all observers. This gives support to our suspicion that E=mc^2 is also an agreement/definition from which mass defects are agreed to be computed in a certain way. The fact that computed mass defects exactly agree with E=mc^2 is a sign that we face an agreement/definition rather than physical fact.
tisdag 9 maj 2023
Nobel Physics Laureate: Quantum Mechanics is an Inconsistent Theory
Roger Penrose, who received the Nobel Prize in Physics 2020, makes the following statement in a recent illuminating discussion with Jordan B Peterson:
- Quantum Mechanics is an Inconsistent Theory!
In other words, the theory of quantum mechanics as expressed in terms of Schrödinger's equations, does not make sense as theory about physics of reality. Penrose here takes the same position as did Schrödinger himself.
This is also the view I have arrived at after a fruitless search for the physical meaning of Schrödinger's equation. In this regard, quantum theory is similar to Einstein's special theory of relativity, which also lacks meaning in the sense of some form of real physics, a fact admitted by Einstein himself.
The soul of modern physics is carried by the theories of quantum mechanics and relativity, and if these theories are empty of real physics, then this should pose a problem for modern physicists. But this does not seem to be the case.
It connects to the tragedy of fluid mechanics by Nobel Chemistry Laureate Sir Cyril Hinshelwood captured as a split between
- practical fluid mechanics (hydraulics) observing phenomena which cannot be explained,
- theoretical fluid mechanics explaining phenomena which cannot be observed,
måndag 8 maj 2023
Finally Physics Laurate in Physics Speaks Out on Climate Alarmism
Climate alarmism can continue to bog down western societies into preindustrial state in a meaningless race to reduce CO2 emission as long as physicists do not speak out and tell that this has no physics rationale. Sadly to say, physicists have kept silent and so the destructive charade has been allowed to continue.
Now finally a Nobel Laureate, Prof John F. Clauser, Nobel Prize in Physics 2022, speaks out in unmistakably clear terms as reported by CO2 Coalition:
- The popular narrative about climate change reflects a dangerous corruption of science that threatens the world’s economy and the well-being of billions of people.
- Misguided climate science has metastasized into massive shock-journalistic pseudoscience. In turn, the pseudoscience has become a scapegoat for a wide variety of other unrelated ills.
- It has been promoted and extended by similarly misguided business marketing agents, politicians, journalists, government agencies, and environmentalists.
- In my opinion, there is no real climate crisis.
- There is, however, a very real problem with providing a decent standard of living to the world’s large population and an associated energy crisis.
- The latter is being unnecessarily exacerbated by what, in my opinion, is incorrect climate science.
What is Equality in Physics?
In modern western society the concepts of equity or equality plays an important role. Equality can refer to equality of possibilities or equality of outcomes in a democratic system or equality of everybody in an Orwellian sense in a communistic society. Equity can refer to equality over different gender/sex and can connect to an idea of equality woman = man and man = woman.
We also find extreme forms of equality in 1984: War is Peace, Slavery is Freedom....
We understand that equality can express both a truth and serve as a disguise or cover-up of a truth.
We also remind of the difference of the statement A=A expressing identity and B=A typically expressing that B inherits certain aspects of A (but not all). Often these aspects are not specified completely and the statement thus sometimes is open to confusion.
- inertial mass = gravitational mass.
- mass = energy, energy = mass