fredag 3 februari 2023

Newton's Cosmic Model: Irony of Modern Physics

  • From the same principles, I now demonstrate the frame of the System of the World. (Newton)

This is a continuation of the previous post on the primordial role of a gravitational potential $\phi (x)$ as giving gravitational mass $\rho (x)=\Delta\phi$ to matter through the Laplacian operator $\Delta$ as instant local action by differentiation with $x$ a 3d Euclidean space coordinate. This is Newton's Law of Gravitation describing gravitational force.  

We obtain a model of cosmic interaction as a set of point masses represented by $\rho (x,t)$ moving according to Newton's 2nd Law of Motion $F=am$ connecting inertial force $F$ to acceleration $a$ and mass $m$, subject to gravitational force $\nabla\phi (x,t)$ with $t$ a time coordinate. You can follow the dynamics by starting  Cosmic Interaction on Leibniz World of Math and clicking in point masses. 

Combining Newton's Law of Gravitation and 2nd Law of Motion we thus have a mathematical model capable of describing cosmic interaction on any scale as point masses all "falling freely" with gravitational and inertial forces balancing to net zero force. This is the weightless zero-stress state so happily experienced by Stephen Hawking when visiting Virgin Galactic

We understand that it is the gravitational potential/force which creates the dynamics of cosmos through the key creative steps of 

  1. Giving gravitational mass to matter through $\rho =\Delta\phi$ according to Newton's Law of Gravitation. 
  2. Stipulating that inertial mass = gravitational mass to invoke Newton's Law of Motion.    

This is Newton's Cosmic Model describing cosmic interaction on all scales. It is a computable model of extreme simplicity with only one parameter $G$ connecting gravitational force to mass and distance, yet with a universal scope. This is a triumph of classical physics which has not been matched by modern physics. 

We can compare with the Standard Model of particle physics as an uncomputable model of extreme complexity including 19 parameters with a very limited scope:

Newton's Cosmic Model is not a part of modern physics based on the Standard Model without gravitation and Einstein's General Theory of Relativity with gravitation viewed to be incompatible. The unmatched triumph of classical physics is thus not a part of modern physics. This is deeply ironic. It does not help that Einstein ask for mercy: Newton forgive me! It is a travesty.

1 kommentar:

  1. Can you reformulate F=ma in terms of a continuous phi and its partial derivatives?
