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onsdag 27 januari 2016

Mystery of Dark Energy, Dark Matter and Inflation Uncovered?

In a series of posts (listed under Newtonian mechanics) I have explored the idea of viewing the gravitational potential \phi (x,t) as primordial physical entity, with x a Euclidean space coordinate and t a time coordinate t, from which the distribution of matter with density \rho (x,t) is given by (with scaling to unity):
  • \Delta\phi (x,t) =\rho (x,t)          (1)     
by the local operation of differentiation of the Laplacian in space \Delta. This view possibly opens  to an understanding of the mystery of both dark energy, dark matter and cosmic inflation. Recall that (1) as the essence of Newton's theory of gravitation, also is Einstein's equation in flat Minkowski space-time.

To lift the curtain, imagine an initial state with \phi =0 and thus \rho =0 and suppose \phi at time t=0 is  subject to a local perturbation resulting in a corresponding fluctuating \Delta\phi with as much positive matter where \Delta\phi (x,t) is positive, as negative matter where  \Delta\phi (x,t) is negative. Suppose the initial configuration consists of negative matter surrounded by positive matter in spherical symmetry, thus a shell/ball of negative matter (red) surrounded by positive matter (blue), as in the above picture of a youtube-clip.  Note that positive matter attracts positive matter, but repels negative matter, and vice versa.

Watching the clip you see starting from rest negative (red) matter contracting under attraction and positive matter (blue) expanding under repulsion from negative matter overpowering attraction from positive matter.

If we now think of our Universe as consisting of positive matter, we thus find an expanding Universe as if driven by a mysterious force named dark energy and we thus are led to connect the origin of dark energy to negative matter.  Note that the core of negative matter oscillates between contraction and expansion, while the region of positive matter continues to expand on a much longer time scale.

We may further connect regions of positive matter where \Delta\phi (x,t) is smooth as regions filled with dark matter, and then singular concentrations of \Delta\phi (x,t) as visible matter.  

In this model we start from zero, and Big Bang is represented by a small perturbation of the gravitational potential \phi with large output \Delta\phi as balancing positive and negative matter. It is then the nature of the Laplacian as local differentiation, as an illposed or unstable mathematical operation, which can turn a small perturbation into something big like a Universe. Big Bang thus does not come out as a big local explosion, for which a reason is lacking, but rather as the effect of a small perturbation of a zero-state which is inflated by the Laplacian.

In particular, the inflation of the Universe connects to the relation \Delta\phi =\rho and not as in cosmic inflation theory to yet another mystery.

Finally, with matter derived from a gravitational potential by local differentiation, the unsolved problem of the nature of action at distance does show up at all: All action is local and there is no action at distance and nothing of that sort to explain.

Is then our expanding Universe of positive matter powered by an oscillating Universe of negative matter, with plus and minus adding to zero, resulting from an initial perturbation of a gravitational potential through the action of a Laplacian? Yes, why not? Compare with Genesis 1:1-4 with the initial perturbation just a little twist of God's finger:

3 kommentarer:

  1. Einstein seems to be right!


  2. LOL@Klimate Katastrophe Kooks5 augusti 2022 kl. 22:13

    I have a hypothesis (and it is just a hypothesis, mind you) that 'dark matter' is actually real matter, but that it is of such low temperature that the photons it emits cannot ascend the energy density gradient of our local solar system... remember that energy can only spontaneously flow from higher to lower energy density. Thus, while we can empirically observe the effects of gravitational influences due to this matter, we cannot sense that matter because photons from that matter are too low-energy to ascend our local energy density gradient (because the sun is pumping out energy that expands spherically and thus reduces in energy density by the inverse square law). Placing a satellite far out into the void and supercooling its detector to as near absolute zero as we can manage should allow us to view this matter.
