I have tested the new atomic model described in a
previous post in setting of spherical symmetry with electrons filling a sequence of non-overlapping spherical shells around a kernel. The electrons in each shell are homogenized to spherical symmetry which reduces the model to a 1d free boundary problem with the free boundary represented by the inter-shell spherical surfaces adjusted so that the combined wave function is continuous along with derivates across the boundary. The repulsion energy is computed so as to take into account that electrons are not subject to self-repulsion, by a corresponding reduction of the repulsion within a shell.
The remarkable feature of this atomic model, in the form of a 1d free boundary problem with continuity as free boundary condition and readily computable on a lap-top, is that computed ground state energies show to be surprisingly accurate (within 1%) for all atoms including ions (I have so far tested up to atomic number 54 and am now testing excited states).
Recall that the wave function
\psi (x,t) solving the free boundary problem, has the form
- \psi (x,t) =\psi_1(x,t)+\psi_2(x,t)+...+\psi_S(x,t) (1)
with (x,t) a common space-time coordinate, where S is the number of shells and \psi_j(x,t) with support in shell j is the wave function for the homogenized wave function for the electrons in shell j with \int\vert\psi_j(x,t)\vert^2\, dx equal to the number of electrons in shell j.
Note that the free boundary condition expresses continuity of charge distribution across inter-shell boundaries, which appears natural.
Note that the model can be used in time dependent form and then allows direct computation of vibrational frequencies, which is what can be observed.
Altogether, the model in spherical symmetric form indicates that the model captures essential features of the dynamics of an atom, and thus can useful in particular for studies of atoms subject to exterior forcing.
I have also tested the model without spherical homogenisation for atoms with up to 10 electrons, with similar results. In this case the the free boundary separates diffferent electrons (and not just shells of electrons) with again continuous charge distribution across the corresponding free boundary.
In this model electronic wave functions share a common space variable and have disjoint supports and can be given a classical direct physical interpretation as charge distribution. There is no need of any Pauli exclusion principle: Electrons simply occupy different regions of space and do not overlap, just as in a classical multi-species continuum model.
This is to be compared with standard quantum mechanics based on multidimensional wave functions
\psi (x_1,x_2,...,x_N,t) typically appearing as linear combinations of products of electronic wave functions
- \psi (x_1,x_2,...,x_N,t)=\psi_1(x_1,t)\times \psi_2(x_2,t)....\times\psi_N(x_N,t) (2)
for an atom with
N electrons, each electronic wave function
\psi_j(x_j,t) being globally defined with its own independent space coordinate
x_j. Such multidimensional wave functions can only be given statistical interpretation, which lacks direct physical meaning. In addition, Pauli's exclusion principle must be invoked and it should be remembered that Pauli himself did not like his principle since it was introduced ad hoc without any physical motivation, to save quantum mechanics from collapse from the very start...
More precisely, while (1) is perfectly reasonable from a classical continuum physics point of view, and as such is computable and useful, linear combination of (2) represent a monstrosity which is both uncomputable and unphysical and thus dangerous, but nevertheless is supposed to represent the greatest achievement of human intellect all times in the form of the so called modern physics of quantum mechanics.
How long will it take for reason and rationality to return to physics after the dark age of modern physics initiated in 1900 when Planck's "in a moment of despair" resorted to an ad hoc hypothesis of a smallest quantum of energy in order to avoid the "ultra-violet catastrophe" of radiation viewed to be impossible to avoid in classical continuum physics. But with
physics as finite precision computation, which I am exploring, there is no catastrophe of any sort and Planck's sacrifice of rationality serves no purpose.
PS Here are the details of the spherical symmetric model starting from the following new formulation of a Schrödinger equation for an atom with
N electrons organised in spherical symmetric form into
S shells: Find a wave function
- \psi (x,t) = \sum_{j=1}^N\psi_j(x,t)
as a sum of
N electronic complex-valued wave functions
\psi_j(x,t), depending on a common 3d space coordinate
x\in R^3 and time coordinate
t with non-overlapping spatial supports
\Omega_N(t), filling 3d space, satisfying
- i\dot\psi (x,t) + H\psi (x,t) = 0 for all (x,t), (1)
where the (normalised) Hamiltonian
H is given by
- H(x) = -\frac{1}{2}\Delta - \frac{N}{\vert x\vert}+\sum_{k\neq j}V_k(x) for x\in\Omega_j(t),
where V_k(x) is the potential corresponding to electron k defined by
- V_k(x)=\int\frac{\vert\psi_k(y,t)\vert^2}{2\vert x-y\vert}dy, for x\in R^3,
and the wave functions are normalised to correspond to unit charge of each electron:
- \int_{\Omega_j}\vert\psi_j(x,t)\vert^2 =1 for all t for j=1,..,N.
Assume the electrons fill a sequence of shells S_k for k=1,...,S centered at the atom kernel with N_k electrons on shell S_k and
- \int_{S_k}\vert\psi (x,t)\vert^2 =N_k for all t for k=1,..,S,
- \sum_k^S N_k = N.
The total wave function
\psi (x,t) is thus assumed to be continuously differentiable and the electronic potential of the Hamiltonian acting in
\Omega_j(t) is given as the attractive kernel potential together with the repulsive kernel potential resulting from the combined electronic charge distributions
\vert\psi_k\vert^2 for
k\neq j, with total electronic repulsion energy
- \sum_{k\neq j}\int\frac{\vert\psi_k(x,t)\vert^2\vert\psi_k(y,t)\vert^2}{2\vert x-y\vert}dxdy=\sum_{k\neq j}V_k(x)\vert\psi_k(x)\vert^2\, dx.
Assume now that the electronic repulsion energy is approximately determined by homogenising the N_k electronic wave function \psi_j in each shell S_k into a spherically symmetric "electron cloud" \Psi_k(x) with corresponding potential W_k(y) given by
- W_k(y)=\int_{\vert x\vert <\vert y\vert}R_k\frac{\vert\Psi_k(x)\vert ^2}{\vert y\vert}\, dx+\int_{\vert x\vert >\vert y\vert}R_k\frac{\vert\Psi_k(x)\vert ^2}{\vert x\vert}\, dx,
and R_k(x)=\frac{N_k-1}{N_k} for x\in S_k is a reduction factor reflecting non self-repulsion of each electron (and R_k=1 else): Of the N_k electrons in shell S_k, thus only N_k-1 electrons contribute to the value of potential in shell S_k from the electrons in shell S_k. We here use the fact that the potential W(x) of a uniform charge distribution on a spherical surface \{y:\vert y\vert =r\} of radius r of total charge Q, is equal to Q/\vert x\vert for \vert x\vert >r and Q/r for \vert x\vert <r.
Our model then has spherical symmetry and is a 1d free boundary problem in the radius r=\vert x\vert with the free boundary represented by the radii of the shells and the corresponding Hamiltonian is defined by the electronic potentials computed by spherical homogenisation in each shell. The free boundary is determined so that the combined wave function \psi (x,t) is continuously differentiable across the free boundary.