- ESA's Euclid mission is designed to explore the composition and evolution of the dark Universe.
- The space telescope will create a great map of the large-scale structure of the Universe across space and time by observing billions of galaxies out to 10 billion light-years.
- Euclid will explore how the Universe has expanded and how structure has formed over cosmic history, revealing more about the role of gravity and the nature of dark energy and dark matter.
Big Bang is a cosmological theory stating that the Universe was created from a very hot very dense state of temperature 10^{32} Kelvin and size of a pinhead after 10^{-44} seconds, and then inflated/expanded into it's presently observable size of 10 billion light-years and average temperature of 3 K. Big Bang was invented by modern physicists in the 1960s searching for a mission after having completed the Standard Model of elementary particle physics, and is today accepted by almost all physicists.
The previous post recalls that Leonard Susskind as leading theoretical physicists today, has come to the conclusion that the work on the Standard Model has to start over again, and so also the cosmological theory including Big Bang based on the Standard Model. OK?
The main weakness of Big Bang is that no explanation is even attempted for the existence of a very dense very hot initial state: Creation of a 10 billion light-years Universe from a pinhead lacks physics. Of all Creation Myths in world history, Big Bang must be the most nonsensical.
So we have to start over again. I have been led to a model described in these posts as Neo-Newtonian Cosmology based on viewing gravitational potential \phi (x,t) with x a Euclidean coordinate and t a time coordinate, as primordial role from which mass density \rho (x,t) is "created" by the local action of the Laplacian differential operator \Delta:
- \rho (x,t) = \Delta \phi (x,t) for all x, (G1)
assumed to act without time delay for all t. Mass of variable sign is thus created locally for each x by differentiation of a fluctuation as an instant local operation acting at each time instant t.
The model is complemented by viewing electric potential \psi (x,t) with x a Euclidean coordinate and t a time coordinate, as primordial from which charge density \epsilon (x,t) is "created" by the local action of the Laplacian differential operator \Delta:
- \epsilon (x,t) = \Delta\psi (x,t) for all x, (G1)
assumed to act without time delay for all t. Charge of variable sign is thus created locally for each x by differentiation of a fluctuation as an instant local operation acting at each time instant t.
Let us collect basic elements of Neo-Newtonian Cosmology:
- Mass/matter (ordinary and dark) and charge densities of variable sign are created by the Laplacian acting on fluctuations of zero gravitational and electric potentials.
- Attraction/repulsion of mass of same/different sign and charge of different/same sign creates microscale charges of different sign (Hydrogen atoms = proton + electron) and macroscale mass Universa of different sign moving away from each other (dark energy).
- Kinetic energy in each Universe created by gravitational collapse.
- Start from 0 mass. Split into 0 = (+mass) + (-mass). Separate macroscale (+mass) from (-mass).
- Start from 0 charge. Split 0 =(+charge)+(-charge). Combine microscale (+charge) with (-charge).
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