lördag 5 oktober 2024

Physics is Dying

Theoretical physicist Sabine Hossenfelder is angry. Sabine is finished with modern physics: This is why physics is dying: 20 years without progress:

  • We are endlessly arguing about irrelevant questions.
  • This is why physics is dying.
  • Loop Quantum Gravity and String Theory cannot be tested.
  • Same thing with Supersymmetry and Inflation and Dark Sectors. 
  • I do not understand why people get paid for this. 
  • Research bubbles of mathematical fiction without connection to reality.
  • I cannot believe that this is still going on.
  • We are seeing the beginning of a collapse of the foundations of physics.
  • These people sit on cosy tax paid positions with no other task than producing useless papers.
This is also my impression.

But what do you do when you understand the theory, which is the very foundation of your academic position, does not work? If you do not see a new theory that you could jump to? Is this what is frustrating Sabine so very much?

A scientific theory is like an Empire and Empires do not fall without much fight and anger. 

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