torsdag 22 augusti 2024

Propagation of Light as Resonance Phenomenon

Tuning fork resonance in still air as model of light propagation in an aether medium connecting emitter-receiver.

Modern physics was born in the search of an aether as a unique medium carrying electromagnetic waves in the same way as sound waves are carried by still air, as soon as Maxwell's wave equations describing all of electromagnetics had been experimentally confirmed by detection of radio waves by Hertz in 1888. 

But no such unique aether could be experimentally detected: The Michelson-Morley Experiment MME gave a null result indicating that aethers could be "dragged along" by different experimental setups. 

Formulation of Maxwell's equations require a spatial Euclidean coordinate system, but there is no unique such system. In particular there are many inertial systems as Euclidean coordinate systems moving with constant velocity with respect to each other and Maxwell's equations can be formulated in any of these systems then acting as an aether for propagation of electromagnetic waves such as radio waves and also light with smaller wave length. In other words, there are as many aethers as inertial systems. 

But this was not understood by Einstein at his desk in the patent office in Bern in 1905, when he took on the challenge of explaining the null result of MME and came up with his Special Theory of Relativity SR formulated on an an idea that there is no aether at all. Unfortunately, SR has come to serve a fundamental role in modern physics with strange effects of time dilation and space contraction as consequences of Einstein's no-aether theory. 

Many-Minds Relativity offers an alternative to SR based on the above idea of many-aethers. Let us here consider a basic element of such a theory, namely propagation of light as electromagnetic wave described by Maxwell's equations. We then consider sending light from a point A to a point B in a Euclidean coordinate system carried as electromagnetic waves described by Maxwell's equations in the given Euclidean coordinate system with B as stationary receiver and A as possibly moving emitter. We thus fix the coordinate system to B and assume to start that also A is fixed in the system. 

We may think of A and B fixed on an $x$-axis acting as a medium/aether for propagation of light. We now seek to describe in more detail sending light from A to B. We then view the emission at A to result from an oscillating charge at A as a source of given frequency fed into Maxwell's equations inducing an electromagnetic excitation in the aether inducing a response at B as receiver as an oscillating charge of the same frequency.

An oscillating charge as input at A thus is transferred to an oscillating charge at B as output as a resonance  phenomenon analysed as Computational Blackbody Radiation. We find the same phenomenon with two tuning forks in resonance in still air acting as an aether as shown in the very instructive video above.

We thus describe propagation of light from A to B along the following key points:

  • Maxwell's equations in a Euclidean coordinate system fixed to B.
  • Resonance phenomenon connecting oscillating charges by standing electromagnetic wave.
  • Aether is fixed to B as being "dragged along" by B.
The speed of propagation is the coefficient $c$ in Maxwell's equations. 

If A is moving with velocity, then frequency changes with the factor $\frac{1}{1+\frac{w}{c}}$ as a Doppler effect

Observations in different inertial systems with different aethers bring differences scaling with $\frac{w}{c}$ or $\frac{w^2}{c^2}$ depending on set up as analysed in Many-Minds Relativity.

In short:
  • Einstein invented SR as a "no-aether" theory coming with strange non-physical effects.
  • MMR is a "many-aether" theory without strange non-physical effects.
Your choice.

PS1 Concerning Einstein vs Newton we note that 
  • Einstein contradicted Newton's mechanics.
  • Einstein accepted Newton's idea of "light particles" later named photons. 
In both cases Einstein missed true physics. It is possible that there is some very extreme physics which is not directly described by Newtonian mechanics, but then by no other known theory. Light as wave can describe all phenomena of light, including photoelectricity, while light as particle is very simplistic and misleading. 

PS2 When confronted with questions about SR, physicists refer the null results of MME in support of SR as no-aether theory, but then miss that the null results can alternatively be explained as many-aether theory. 

PS3 When confronted with criticism of the non-physics of a no-aether theory, Einstein changed position admitting in 1919:
  • It would have been more correct if I had limited myself, in my earlier publications, to emphasizing only the non-existence of an æther velocity, instead of arguing the total non-existence of the æther, for I can see that with the word æther we say nothing else than that space has to be viewed as a carrier of physical qualities.
This is typical of the always ambiguous standpoints of Einstein on key aspects of SR as physicality of space contraction and time dilation.

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