We know from experience the dangers of self-interaction as:
- autoimmune reaction: body immune system attacks body instead of external aggressor
- money printing: society enriches itself without external input or increase of productivity
- banking: customers money is bank's money
- global warming: cold atmosphere heats warm Earth surface by "back radiation"
- world politics: blowing up the pipe line of your ally.
- national economy: increasing taxes to finance bureaucratics of benefits
- manipulation of stock prices by buying and selling
- paper dollar: (not) backed by gold/oil
- state and media: two sides of the same coin
- fusion of legislative, executive and judicial functions
- Great Reset: fusion of corporations and state: fascism
- Ouroboros: Snake eating its own tail: alchemy
- perpetum mobile: generator charges battery driving generator
- grandiose delusions: paranoid schizophrenia,
- indoctrination of Western supremacy: believing you are winning a war you are loosing
- insisting that you can lift yourself in the hair
- assuming collective responsibility can replace individual
- accepting collective responsibility for something you have not done
- giving up individuality by not making a distinction between yourself and others
- chatGPT collects collective stupidity into new individual wisdom without face
- Bank Bail-out: System covers all losses made by System.
Standard Quantum Mechanics stdQM is also troubled by self-interaction as self-repulsion between different parts of an electronic distribution destroying coherence as a consequence of lack of electron individuality by spatial presence.
In RealQM this is avoided by assuming that electrons act like charge clouds with exclusive occupancy over non-overlapping domains of space and that self-repulsion within each electron/domain is not present, with repulsion only between different electrons/domains.
This is possible by assigning individuality in terms of spatial occupancy in RealQM, something which is denied in stdQM acting in multidimensional configuration space without clear connection to physical space. In stdQM electrons are not assigned individual presence in space and so are both everywhere and nowhere with actual presence only in a statistical non-real sense. In particular, Density Functional Theory as a computational form of quantum mechanics for atoms and molecules, comes with self-repulsion by formulation, which has to be eliminated artificially to prevent collapse.
The presence of self-repulsion in stdQM is the result of assuming that the Schrödinger wave function \Psi (x_1,x_2,...,x_N) depending on N 3d spatial coordinates x_1,x_2,...,x_N for an atom/molecule with N electrons, is a linear combination of products of the form
- \psi_1(x_1)\times \psi_1(x_2)\times ...\psi_N(x_N) (1)
with the \psi_i(x_i) representing electronic orbitals as globally defined functions of 3d spatial variables x_i covering the same physical space for i=1,...,N, vaguely associated to the different electrons. The support of the functions \psi_i thus overlap as a distinctive feature of stdQM as compared to RealQM with the full wave function instead being the sum of one-electron wave functions with non-overlapping supports as functions of the same 3d spatial variable.
The sacrifice of individuality in stdQM is a consequence of the statistical interpretation of the wave function where faceless generalities of possibilities replace actual reality of particulars. RealQM gives an antidote to this decease as a beneficial immune reaction to a harmful external invader. Try it! It is free!
This fits into the loss of rationality we are now experiencing as a result as a loss of individuality ultimately rooted in the standard quantum mechanics of modern physics as a senseless game of dice like that played by the Dice Man by Luke Rhinehart leading to catastrophe.
Let us compare with Ovidius Methamorphoses Separation of the Elements:
- This conflict was ended by a god and a greater order of nature, since he split off the earth from the sky, and the sea from the land, and divided the transparent heavens from the dense air. When he had disentangled the elements, and freed them from the obscure mass, he fixed them in separate spaces in harmonious peace. The weightless fire, that forms the heavens, darted upwards to make its home in the furthest heights. Next came air in lightness and place. Earth, heavier than either of these, drew down the largest elements, and was compressed by its own weight. The surrounding water took up the last space and enclosed the solid world.
- \int \frac{\rho (x)\rho (y)}{\vert x-y\vert}dx dy
with the same density function appearing twice as expression of self-repulsion and which appears even for the Hydrogen atom with just one electron. This is not sound.
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