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måndag 27 mars 2023

Prospects of AI and Nano-Technology = 1984^2

The computer is now making the science fiction of transhumanism into a reality in the form of AI and the nano-technology of Artificial Gene Synthesis using the Covid mRNA-vaccin in a first mass test with ongoing development for use as a bioweapon documented by Karen Kingston. 

Combined with the upcoming Central Bank Digital Currency CBMD (now being prepared by a bank crisis) this opens entirely new means of both warfare and social control. CBDC combined with a social credit system allows efficient detailed State control of all citizens economy. mRNA-"vaccins" distributed e g through food to all citizens combined with nano-technology allows efficient State control of both bodies and ideas of all citizens as well as enemies. 

This directly connects to the 4th Industrial Revolution of Claus Schwab to be realised through the World Economic Forum in a Great Reset to Net Zero advertised in bright colors in Agenda 2030.   

Is this something to think/worry about?  

torsdag 23 mars 2023

A Revolution in Physics Education

In a recent article in American Journal of Physics, William Flannery asks 

The article directly connects to the reform program for math/science education I have been working on since the 1980s as a synthesis of mathematical analysis, computation and application, with the following main insights:
  • The computer revolution in physics education will have two striking effects, both of which will happen overnight: differential equations will be taught in introductory physics, and the number and types of physical systems that can be analyzed will explode.
  • This will require rewriting the courses in classical physics, introductory to advanced.
I am happy to announce that such new course material is already available in the form of 
Read the article and compare with my reform program.

måndag 20 mars 2023

How Smart is Ed Witten?

From Quanta article: A Physicist’s Physicist Ponders the Nature of Reality

Ed Witten is supposed to be the smartest physicist of our time, maybe of all times. What does that mean? How smart is then Ed? Well, let us listen to what Ed has to say about the Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in Physics coined by Eugene Wigner:

  • It is uncanny how powerful mathematics is in understanding physics.
  • Newton's inverse square law with its power two was only understood through Einstein's field equations of general relativity and then as the geometrical fact that the surface of a sphere scales with its radius squared. 

So what does Ed mean with uncanny? Instead of unreasonable? Well, uncanny means strange or mysterious. It does not seem to be very enlightening, rather the opposite but certainly in line with the accepted view that both quantum mechanics and general relativity as the two incompatible pillars of modern physics, are both strange. But what does it mean when the smartest physicist of all times is stating that physics is strange? Isn't that strange?

Next, concerning Newton's inverse square law, Ed does not seem to be well informed when stating that Einstein gives the first field equation for gravitation explaining the power lay, since this was done by Laplace in his monumental Celestial Mechanics in 5 volumes 1798-1827 in the form of the equation 
  • \Delta\phi (x) = 4\pi\rho (x)           
with \Delta the Laplacian differential operator with respect to a space coordinate x, and \phi (x) is  the gravitational potential corresponding to the mass distribution \rho (x)

With \rho (x) as a unit point source at x=0 the potential \phi (x)=\frac{1}{\vert x\vert} with corresponding gravitational force scaling with \vert x\vert^{-2} as the power two law. So Laplace explained the power two, long before Einstein.

How can it be that Ed has forgotten Laplace? Isn't that strange? 

Compare with recent posts on New Newtonian Cosmology. 

Here is an alternative view on math:
  • Mathematics is the language in which the laws of physics are formulated.
  • It is uncanny because it is as if the Universe has been created by a mathematician. Hahhah...
  • Reality, as far as we can understand, is described by laws which are interesting and subtle mathematically.
  • Calculus is universal.
Listen to Unzicker asking about Witten's responsibility as world-leading physicist:
Witten: Not at all! I think we should now go on to other questions.

Test question to Ed: What to say about global warming from human emission of CO2 from burning of fossil fuel?

fredag 17 mars 2023

On Scientific Stupidity

Peter McCullough recalls that in 1943, the Lutheran pastor and member of the German resistance Dietrich Bonhoeffer was arrested and incarcerated in Tegel Prison: 
  • There he meditated on the question of why the German people—in spite of their vast education, culture, and intellectual achievements—had fallen so far from reason and morality. He concluded that they, as a people, had been afflicted with collective Stupidity (German: Dummheit). 
  • The events in Germany between 1933 and 1943 had shown him that perfectly intelligent people were, under the pressure of political power and propaganda, rendered stupid—that is, incapable of critical reasoning. 
This is what Dietrich Bonhoeffer concluded from his analysis in his Letters and Papers from Prison: 
  • Folly is a more dangerous enemy to the good than evil. One can protest against evil; it can be unmasked and, if need be, prevented by force. Evil always carries the seeds of its own destruction, as it makes people, at the least, uncomfortable. Against folly we have no defence. 
  • Neither protests nor force can touch it; reasoning is no use; facts that contradict personal prejudices can simply be disbelieved - indeed, the fool can counter by criticizing them, and if they are undeniable, they can just be pushed aside as trivial exceptions. 
  • So the fool, as distinct from the scoundrel, is completely self-satisfied; in fact, he can easily become dangerous, as it does not take much to make him aggressive. 
  • A fool must therefore be treated more cautiously than a scoundrel; we shall never again try to convince a fool by reason, for it is both useless and dangerous.
  • But there is some consolation in these thoughts on folly: they in no way justify us in thinking that most people are fools in all circumstances. What will really matter is whether those in power expect more from people’s folly than from their wisdom and independence of mind.
  • There are people who are mentally agile but: foolish, and people who are mentally slow but very far from foolish - a discovery that we make to our surprise as a result of particular situations. 
  • We thus get the impression that folly is likely to be, not a congenital defect, but one that is acquired in certain circumstances where people make fools of themselves or allow others to make fools of them. 
  • We notice further that this defect is less common in the unsociable and solitary than in individuals or groups that are inclined or condemned to sociability. It seems, then, that folly is a sociological rather than a psychological problem, and that it is a special form of the operation of historical circumstances: on people, a psychological by-product of definite external factors. 
  • If we look more closely, we see that any violent display of power, whether political or religious, produces an outburst of folly in a large part of mankind...
We know very well that there are many expressions of foolishness in the history of both politics and science and it is natural to ask if we are less stupid today than 100 years ago when preparing for WWII. Since we now seem to be actively preparing for WWIII the answer must be no, at least as concerns politics. But what then about science? It seems that science and stupidity do not blend well, but is it really true that the stupidity in science is less today than 100 or 200 years ago? 

With the amazing advances in many areas of technology (and warfare), it would seem that stupidity is no longer a problem in science, only in politics, but is it true? Let us listen to what some famous leading modern physicists say, stupid or not:
  • Those who are not shocked when they first come across quantum theory cannot possibly have understood it. (Niels Bohr)
  • Niels Bohr brainwashed a whole generation of theorists into thinking that the job (interpreting quantum theory) was done 50 years ago. (Murray GellMann)
  • Quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense. (Roger Penrose)
  • If quantum mechanics is correct, it signifies the end of physics as a science. (Alfred Einstein)
  • I do not like quantum mechanics, and I am sorry I ever had anything to do with it. (Erwin Schrödinger)
  • If you are not completely confused by quantum mechanics, you do not understand it. (John Wheeler)
  • There was a time when the newspapers said that only twelve men understood the theory of relativity. I do not believe there ever was such a time. (Richard Feynman)
  • I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics. (Richard Feynman)
  • Since the mathematicians have invaded the theory of relativity, I do not understand it myself anymore. (Einstein)
  • No matter how hard you try to teach your cat general relativity, you're going to fail. (Brian Greene)
So we learn from highest scientific authority that modern physics based on the theories of quantum mechanics and relativity are not understood. Does it mean that physicists are stupid, or only that the theory is stupid?

onsdag 15 mars 2023

måndag 13 mars 2023

Dangers of Self-Interaction + Antidote

We know from experience the dangers of self-interaction as:

  • autoimmune reaction: body immune system attacks body instead of external aggressor
  • money printing: society enriches itself without external input or increase of productivity
  • banking: customers money is bank's money
  • global warming: cold atmosphere heats warm Earth surface by "back radiation"
  • world politics: blowing up the pipe line of your ally.
  • national economy: increasing taxes to finance bureaucratics of benefits 
  • manipulation of stock prices by buying and selling
  • paper dollar: (not) backed by gold/oil 
  • state and media: two sides of the same coin
  • fusion of legislative, executive and judicial functions 
  • Great Reset: fusion of corporations and state: fascism
  • Ouroboros: Snake eating its own tail: alchemy
  • perpetum mobile: generator charges battery driving generator
  • grandiose delusions: paranoid schizophrenia, 
  • indoctrination of Western supremacy: believing you are winning a war you are loosing
  • insisting that you can lift yourself in the hair
  • assuming collective responsibility can replace individual 
  • accepting collective responsibility for something you have not done
  • giving up individuality by not making a distinction between yourself and others 
  • chatGPT collects collective stupidity into new individual wisdom without face
  • Bank Bail-out: System covers all losses made by System.
As an antidote to potentially dangerous self-interaction, one may try critical self-inspection preferably supported by some form of external therapist. 

Standard Quantum Mechanics stdQM is also troubled by self-interaction as self-repulsion between different parts of an electronic distribution destroying coherence as a consequence of lack of electron individuality by spatial presence.  

In RealQM this is avoided by assuming that electrons act like charge clouds with exclusive occupancy over non-overlapping domains of space and that self-repulsion within each electron/domain is not present, with repulsion only between different electrons/domains. 

This is possible by assigning individuality in terms of spatial occupancy in RealQM, something which is denied in stdQM acting in multidimensional configuration space without clear connection to physical space. In stdQM electrons are not assigned individual presence in space and so are both everywhere and nowhere with actual presence only in a statistical non-real sense. In particular, Density Functional Theory as a computational form of quantum mechanics for atoms and molecules, comes with self-repulsion by formulation, which has to be eliminated artificially to prevent collapse.

The presence of self-repulsion in stdQM is the result of assuming that the Schrödinger wave function \Psi (x_1,x_2,...,x_N) depending on N 3d spatial coordinates x_1,x_2,...,x_N for an atom/molecule with N electrons, is a linear combination of products of the form  

  • \psi_1(x_1)\times \psi_1(x_2)\times ...\psi_N(x_N)                  (1)

with the \psi_i(x_i) representing electronic orbitals as globally defined functions of 3d spatial variables x_i covering the same physical space for i=1,...,N,  vaguely associated to the different electrons. The support of the functions \psi_i thus overlap as a distinctive feature of stdQM as compared to RealQM with the full wave function instead being the sum of one-electron wave functions with non-overlapping supports as functions of the same 3d spatial variable. 

The sacrifice of individuality in stdQM is a consequence of the statistical interpretation of the wave function where faceless generalities of possibilities replace actual reality of particulars. RealQM gives an antidote to this decease as a beneficial immune reaction to a harmful external invader. Try it! It is free!

This fits into the loss of rationality we are now experiencing as a result as a loss of individuality ultimately rooted in the standard quantum mechanics of modern physics as a senseless game of dice like that played by the Dice Man by Luke Rhinehart leading to catastrophe.

Let us compare with Ovidius Methamorphoses Separation of the Elements:

  • This conflict was ended by a god and a greater order of nature, since he split off the earth from the sky, and the sea from the land, and divided the transparent heavens from the dense air. When he had disentangled the elements, and freed them from the obscure mass, he fixed them in separate spaces in harmonious peace. The weightless fire, that forms the heavens, darted upwards to make its home in the furthest heights. Next came air in lightness and place. Earth, heavier than either of these, drew down the largest elements, and was compressed by its own weight. The surrounding water took up the last space and enclosed the solid world.
PS Self-repulsion also troubles Quantum ElectroDynamics QED, announced to be the pinnacle of human intelligence, through an electron density \rho (x) Coulomb repulsion energy of the form  
  • \int \frac{\rho (x)\rho (y)}{\vert x-y\vert}dx dy 

with the same density function appearing twice as expression of self-repulsion and which appears even for the Hydrogen atom with just one electron. This is not sound.

söndag 12 mars 2023

Problems of Self-Interaction in Standard Quantum Mechanics

Self-interaction in Density Functional Theory

In Newton's theory of gravity gravitational potential \phi (x) and mass distribution \rho (x) with x a spatial coordinate are coupled through the differential equation: 

  • -\Delta\phi (x) = 4\pi\rho (x),                                                       (1)
or equivalently through the integral equation: 
  • \phi (x)=\int\frac{\rho (y)}{\vert x-y\vert }dy.                         (2) 
We here assume a setting of a continuum with no smallest scale in space, in which the integration variable y in (2) is never equal to x, and we can argue that a mass at an isolated point x does not contribute to the gravitational potential \phi (x) present at x and so that there is no self-interaction on a microscopic scale. 

In the setting of N distinct mass points with location x_i and mass m_i for i=1,...,N, (2) takes the form 
  • \phi (x_i) =\sum_{j\neq i}\frac{m_j}{\vert x_i-x_j\vert},         (3)
which does not involve self-interaction because j\neq i. Choosing j=i would cause break down of (3) into infinity by dividing by 0.  

But on a macroscopic scale there is self-interaction in the sense that Earth's gravitational potential is present everywhere on and inside the Earth. Similarly the Universe interacts with itself by gravitational forces. But that is because the Earth and the Universe are made up of elementary particles (protons and electrons) which must be free of self-interaction as in (3) to avoid break-down into infinity.  

Standard quantum mechanics stdQ for an atom/molecule with N electrons is governed by an electronic wave function \Psi (x_1,...,x_N) depending on N 3d spatial variables x_1, x_2,...,x_N satisfying a Schrödinger equation with an electron-electron repulsion term of the following form connecting to  (2) and (3):
  •  \sum_i\sum_{j<i}\frac{1}{\vert x_i-x_j\vert}\Psi (x_1,...,x_N).       (4)
This expression does not carry any infinity since j\neq i, but is it free of self-interaction? This is not clear since the coordinates x_i do not represent actual presence of individual electrons which be tracked by index, but only possible presence in a 3N dimensional configurations space without electron individuality where a specific coordinate is not tied to a specific electron, thus without Exclusive Occupancy.  The wave function \Psi (x_1,...,x_N) of stdQM is anti-symmetric (assuming for simplicity that all electrons have the same spin) thus asking \Psi (x_1,...,x_N) to vanish if x_j=x_i for some i and j, but that is not enough to prevent self-interaction.  

In fact, in density functional theory derived from the standard Schrödinger equation self-interaction is present and has to be handled by some trick. More precisely, the wave function is built from products of overlapping electron orbitals generating a contribution to Coulomb repulsion energy from exchange correlation expressing self-interaction.   

RealQM offers a different version of quantum mechanics keeping electron individuality as non-overlapping charge clouds with Exclusive Occupancy, which does not suffer from self-interaction. 

lördag 11 mars 2023

Why Is Quantum Mechanics Made So Crazy, Strange and Weird?

All leading physicists tell us that quantum mechanics as the physics of the microscopic world of atom physics, is crazy, strange and weird:

  • Quantum mechanics is weird. I don't understand it. Just live with it. You don't have to understand the nature of things in order to build cool devices. (Seth Lloyd)
  • I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics. (Richard Feynman)
  • We are all agreed that your theory is crazy. The question which divides us is whether it is crazy enough to have a chance of being correct. My own feeling is that it is not crazy enough. (Niels Bohr)
  • Not only is the Universe stranger than we think, it is stranger than we can think. (Werner Heisenberg)
  • ....
Ok, so quantum mechanics is weird, but does it say that also Nature as what exists, is weird? Quantum mechanics is theory about the microscopic world constructed by physicists and if it is weird, it is because it is so constructed. 

On the other hand Nature as what exists cannot be weird, because things that are weird cannot exist over time. Anything weird will quickly collapse. Now the microscopic world of protons and electrons serves as the foundation of Nature and it is inconceivable that the very foundation what exists is weird. It is possible that there are macroscopic phenomena which can be described as weird as an Earth quake or car crash, but they are short-lived. It seems protons do not ever decay and so are remarkably long-lived and so cannot be truly weird. 

Ok, so real atom physics as the foundation of Nature cannot be truly weird. Only a theory about atom physics can be weird, and this undoubtedly the case with quantum mechanics constructed by physicists. 

How can that be? How come that the theory of quantum mechanics is weird, while the atom physics it is supposed to describe cannot be weird? 

We are led to the troubling question: Has quantum mechanics deliberately been constructed by physicists so as to be so weird that it cannot be understood?  

This connects to Newton's admittance that his Principia Mathematica was written to be almost impossible to read (using geometry instead Leibniz Calculus), in order to make criticism from "little smatterers" impossible. Is this the attitude of also modern physicists? 

In any case, if you follow the broad road of weird physics, there is no limit to what weirdness you are allowed to invent, and this now showing up as the crisis of modern physics, witnessed by so many.  

As an antidote to weirdness please take a look at Real Quantum Mechanics and play with its models in Leibniz World of Mathematics Model Workshop 22 Atom Physics. It is very illuminating, in particular to all "little smatterers" like you and me by challenging the ruling dogma of quantum mechanics. Give it a try!

To say that quantum mechanics is weird is a to give up rationality and resort to mysticism. The sad consequence is the present deep crisis in the affairs of the world, caused by irrational thinking of leading human minds, ultimately rooted in weird physics.  If the foundation is weird, everything built thereon is weird.  

PS Of course media is flooded by articles selling the idea that quantum mechanics is weird as a preparation to massive public spending on quantum computing. The more weird theory the more likely it will work in practice.   

fredag 10 mars 2023

Leibniz on Quantum Mechanics

Leibniz as the greatest polymath of all times would have had a hard time to swallow the modern physics of the standard version of quantum mechanics here referred to as stdQM, because it violates his Principle of Identity of Indescernibles PII stating that: 

  • No two objects have exactly the same properties.
That PII is valid in the macroscopic world is non-disputable: A set of objects even if identical as concerns intrinsic properties maintain descernibility/individuality by occupying different regions of physical space as an expression of Exclusive Occupancy. The stars in the sky, even if they all look alike, are discernible by their position. The red balls of snooker billiard game even if all alike, are descernible by their position. No big deal.

But things are supposed to be different in the microscopic world described by stdQM, where electrons are not supposed to occupy specific regions in a physical space and time and so have a physicality which is fundamentally different from macroscopics. In other words, electrons (modulo spin) are viewed to be indescernible by having all the same properties (modulo spin) including no specific location in space and time. Yet the electrons are not viewed to be identical because in the wave function of stdQM they are assigned different coordinates. 

In other words, stdQM violates PII, which means that stdQM is not physics according to Leibniz. 

On the other hand, in RealQM electrons are discernible by Exclusive Occupancy, and so could be embraced by Leibniz.  

This connects to the question if the microscopic world must be conceptually different from the macroscopic world: stdQM says yes, and RealQM no.

Leibniz expresses his view on the microscopic world in his theory of monads as mind-like simple substances with individuality endowed with perception and appetite from which bodies, motion and everything else is derived. This closely connects to RealQM with protons and electrons as non-overlapping charged clouds interacting by Coulomb forces as expression of perception and appetite.

Individuality is important because it makes a distinction between one specific body/monad/electron and other bodies/monads/electrons, and thus takes care of the problem of self-interaction, which if present can be lethal like an auto-immune reaction.  This is the case in quantum field theory riddled with infinites from self-interaction. 

It is possible that control of self-interaction is a necessary capability in physics as well as in chemistry, biology and sociology. If we as human beings cannot make a distinction between our own mind/body and the minds/bodies of others, then we have a problem as well as society.

torsdag 9 mars 2023

Cosmology: The Illusion of Instant Action at Distance

Distribution of matter/mass in the Mira simulation of the Universe with 1 trillion particles.

Let us return to the New Newtonian Cosmological Model in the form of Euler's equations for a compressible gas subject to Newtonian gravitation: Find (\phi ,m,e,p) depending on a Euclidean space coordinate x and time t, such that for all (x,t):

  • \vert\dot\rho\vert + \nabla\cdot m =0                                                           (1)
  • \dot m +\nabla\cdot (mu) +\nabla p + \rho\nabla\phi =0                             (2)
  • \dot e +\nabla\cdot (eu) +p\nabla\cdot u =0,                                        (3)
  • \rho =\Delta\phi                                                                           (4)

where \phi is gravitational potential, \rho is mass density, m is momentum, u=\frac{m}{\vert\rho\vert} is matter velocitye=\rho T is internal heat energy with T temperaturep=\gamma e is pressure with 0<\gamma <1 a gas constant and the dot indicates time differentiation, cf. Computational Thermodynamics Chap 32. The equations (1)-(4) form a dynamical system as a system of partial differential equations depending on time, which evolves from one time instant to the next. 

Here x is space coordinate in a fixed Euclidean coordinate system, and t is a time coordinate as measured by the same standard clock for all x. We may view (1)-(4) to be a complete cosmological model including effects of gravitation and gas dynamics, but not electro-magnetics, radiation/light and atomic physics, as a continuum model without smallest scale, see picture above. 

The equations (1)-(4) express:

  1. Conservation of mass/matter
  2. Newton's 2nd Law.
  3. Conservation of (internal) energy. 
  4. Newton's Law of Gravitation connecting mass density to gravitational potential. 
The equations (1)-(4) are solved by time-stepping where (1)-(3) are used to update \rho (t), m(t) and e(t) from time t to t+dt with dt is a small time step, while (4) acts as a side condition, which can be relaxed into the following dynamical equation in \phi with \epsilon a vanishingly small positive constant:
  • \epsilon\dot\phi -\Delta\phi = -\rho,                                                            (5)  
which can also be solved by time-stepping.  With this modification all equations can be solved by time-stepping with each equation of the form \dot u=A(u) where A(u) involves differentiation of u(x,t) as a local operation in space. The time step dt restriction for explicit time stepping of (5) has the form dt <\epsilon dx^2 with an effective speed of spreading of effects of \frac{1}{\epsilon dx} with dx a space step. 

While (4) as an equation for \phi formally involves instant action at distance in the sense that the gravitational force from a mass at one location is felt instantly at all other locations, time stepping of the  modified equation only involves local action as differentiation effectively giving finite speed of propagation of effects.  

This connects to The World as Computation describing physics as time stepping of dynamical systems requiring only local instant action. 

The key is the relaxation of (4) into (5), which replaces a formal instant action at distance by a reality of instant local action. Even if it appears that the presence of mass at one location is instantly felt at any distance, it is not necessary to insist that this is a reality. In the equation (5), the relaxation term \epsilon\dot\phi will remain vanishingly small, as long as nothing very dramatic is imposed, and so (4) will hold even without instant action at distance. 

This gives an alternative to the previous idea of viewing (4) in the form \rho =\Delta\phi with \rho (x) given by instant local action as differentiation of \phi with thus \phi primordial. By relaxation into (5) the role of primordial is relaxed into what Leibniz describes as pre-established harmony: Gravitational potential and mass together in full harmony evolve in time so as to satisfy (4), which is effectuated by time stepping of (5).

Let us now compare (5) with the wave equation 
  • \epsilon^2\ddot\phi -\Delta\phi = -\rho,                                    (6)
which carries different physics in the form of gravitational waves spreading with speed \frac{1}{\epsilon}

We see that (5) and (6) are conceptually different with (5) acting like a relaxation with vanishing effect so as to give appearance of instant action at distance, while (6) is a wave equation with non-vanishing effect. 

Since gravitational waves have shown to be exceedingly difficult to detect, (5) appears to capture physics better than (6) as a representation of a Relaxed Universe. 

You can play with the above model in Leibniz World of Math Model Shop 21 Cosmology.

måndag 6 mars 2023

Reality of Space: Exclusive Occupancy

Exclusive Occupancy in Europe 2021

The era of modern physics was initiated at the turn to the 20th century as a break away from the basic principles of classical Newtonian macroscopic continuum physics covering all of mechanics and electromagnetics, viewed to be useless to describe the microscopic physics of the world of atoms built from protons and electrons, and so a new form of physics based on new principles named quantum mechanics QM was developed by Bohr, Born, Heisenberg and Schrödinger.  

The classical principles of realism with a direct connection between model and reality and determinism were given up and replaced by mathematical formalism in multi-dimensional configuration space combined with indeterminism/statistics into a new quantum world beyond realistic interpretation. This was a step away from rationality with far-reaching consequences for modern society/politics following the same tragical path away from rationality. Compare with the sequence of posts on Corruption of Modern Physics.

But is it really true that the microscopic world of atoms is conceptually so different from the macroscopic world we can model and understand, like a planetary system governed by Newtonian mechanics?. In RealQM I describe such a scenario based on principles of classical continuum mechanics. In RealQM an atom is described as a kernel surrounded by non-overlapping shells of electrons, each electron like unit charge density cloud occupying a certain region of its shell.   

A basic principle of continuum mechanics is the concept of density like mass density as amount of matter per volume, like number of atoms or particles per m^3. It is then assumed that each particle occupies a certain region/volume in space altogether filling space and that particles do not overlap. Allowing particles to overlap would ruin the idea of density. We can refer to this principle as Exclusive Occupancy, which we meet in so many ways in ordinary life and Family Law. Each passenger has Exclusive Occupancy of a seat in an airplane. Each country occupies its own territory, unless it is occupied by someone else. Each atom or particle is the sole occupant of its region in space. But a passenger cannot occupy two different seats at the same time, nor a particle.  

Non-overlap in space is thus a basic principle of real physics as physics with direct connection to reality. It is a principle of RealQM, but not of the standard form of QM, where electrons are not assigned different regions of real space, only in configuration space. 

We can view Exclusive Occupancy as a basic feature of space. We know that a 2d chip has room for only a finite number of circuits each occupying a certain area, and that stacking on top into 3d is the only possibility to give room for more, but we also know that stacking into 4d is impossible. 

But of course in the quantum world of configuration space of any dimension there are no such limitations which is now funnelling venture capital into quantum computing suggesting endless fiction, but probably nothing real, like solving the housing problem for home-less by opening one single apartment for occupancy without exclusivity.  

Main question to answer: Is Exclusive Occupancy a basic principle of physics?   

In RealQM electrons meet with continuity of charge density combined with zero normal derivative (homogeneous Neumann condition), while a proton meets an electron with zero charge density from both sides. Electrons meet shoulder by shoulder like friends, while a proton and electron meet as antagonists divided by a neutral (zero) boundary zone.