Steve Jobs next goal after revolutionizing the music industry (iPod), telecom (iPhone), bookmarket (iBook), was to do something similar in education, and it is now here as iBook Author:
- books in all subjects available to all students on the iPad.
This is what I have been dreaming of for many years and what I have been working on to realize in the BodyandSoul project. As a preparation for an iPad version of BS, I am collecting material and testing various modes of presentation on the Wordpress blog:
My plan is to come up with a finished version for various platforms including iPad in a couple of months.
It is clear that education will now quickly be reformed by the new possibilities of active iLearning and efficient iTeaching. Steve Jobs was right again!
The revolution has already started with an iPad to all children from preschool, to learn the "three r's" of reading, writing and arithmetics.
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