The KTH Bachelor program in Simulation Technology based on BodyandSoul scheduled to start in the Fall 2011 was stopped because of opposition to BodyandSoul at KTH.
- combination of analysis, computation and application = BodyandSoul.
This leads to the contradiction of both using BS and not using BS. The program will thus both start and not start in the Fall 2012. The program is described in the program catalog as follows:
- In education and entertainment the development of simulators, games and animation for film, web and mobiles, is based on increasingly advanced technology.
But contradictions are not allowed in mathematics, nor in reality.
this sounds like a wonderful program!
SvaraRaderai think it is going to be the program of election of the future giving its student a good background for doing whatever they want afterwards.
for the physics part i suggest you (or the responsible persons) to have a look at /matter & interactions/ (http://matterandinteractions.org/)
that is a book series written with the same philosophy (kind of), or at least with the clear picture in mind that students can use simulations to understand the basic principles while being able to handle realistic problems.
i wish you all luck and really hope that this will program will start soon!
sorry claes!
SvaraRaderai read your post superficially and thought that you and your group would be involved in developing the program. i still think the program looks very interesting, of course.