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måndag 29 augusti 2011

EU as Green Peace Project

Jean-Pascal van Ypersele who managed to suppress a planned seminar with Fred Singer and myself at SEII/Fondation Universitaire in Brussels, is not only Vice Chair of IPCC but also closely connected to Greenpeace, as evidenced in his report Impacts of Climate Change in Belgium commissioned by Greenpeace:

The Foreword to the report delivers the following frank message:
  • The fight against climate change will require deep changes in the Belgian energy system
  • It is urgent that Belgium also develops a long-term political vision enabling it to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 80% between now and 2050.
  • This long- term policy must include efforts in all sectors (industry, electricity production, households and transport).
  • It must therefore also be perceived as an opportunity for Belgium to reduce its energy dependency and increase the safety of its supplies.
  • Belgium currently imports almost all its primary energy sources (oil, gas, coal and uranium) and this puts the Belgian economy at the mercy of fluctuations in world raw material prices and the expected rise in the costs of fuels as a result of their increasing scarcity.
  • Oil dependence and the associated geopolitical tensions are well known. Coal is the most polluting fossil fuel and has no place in a low-carbon economy.
  • As for nuclear energy, it has proven a source of insolvable problems (in terms of waste, in particular), unreliable, very expensive and dangerous. Terrorist threats only reinforce the risks. Nuclear energy is also unable to compete with other sources of energy without the backup of enormous subsidies.
No questioning of this verdict is allowed, not in Belgium and neither in Germany, where the complete reformation of society demanded by Greenpeace has already started.

The following questions present themselves:
  • Is EU a green peace project?
  • Is suppression of freedom of speech the solution of the EU economic crisis, with inspiration from the Chinese economic wonder?
PS From the shocking report to Greenpeace by van Ypersele, preparing for a totalitarian EU:
  • A rise in sea level and temperature could cause serious difficulties at certain tourist destinations.
  • Winter sports resorts in the Alps could be affected by a serious lack of snow, particularly at low altitude.
  • In Belgium, snow on the ground could become increasingly rare but there would be plenty of grey sky and rain in winter.
  • Initially, agriculture would not be damaged and certain crops could even profit from a small heat increase.
  • In terms of the 21st century and for Belgium, the initial effects of climate change will probably be relatively limited.
The projected lack of snow in the Alps gives Sarkozy the mission to command the people to get green.

2 kommentarer:

  1. Thanks for expanding on this new problem, resulting from my comment at your prior blog yesterday. My own piece on it - purely as an ordinary citizen who's been told to ignore skeptic scientists, but never given a good reason why I should - is here: "Climate Science and Corruption"  http://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2011/08/climate_science_and_corruption.html

    Excerpt:  "Could anyone dare imagine a more breathtaking example of hypocrisy? An IPCC Lead Author commissioned to write a paper for an enviro-activist group while claiming no influence from them is now a top ranking IPCC leader repeating an old unproven accusation insinuating that mere association with fossil fuel industry funding renders skeptic scientists completely untrustworthy, and he demands such skeptics should be silenced."
