The crisis of physics with nothing really new for 100 years since the arrival of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity GR theory and Quantum Mechanics QM (modulo the Atomic Bomb and the Standard Model from the 1960s), is well captured in the books Bankrupting Physics: How Today's Top Scientists are Gambling Away Their Credibility by Alexander Unzicker and Sheilla Jones and The Quantum Ten: A Story of Passion, Tragedy, Ambition by Sheilla Jones. The crisis is deepened by incompatibility of GR and QM, which has persisted with no resolution in sight.
I argue on this blog under Quantum Contradictions supported by Real QM that the basic reason for incompatibility is that QM concerns possibilities while GR concerns actualities or realities. This means that the main burden for the crisis is carried by QM since the prime role of physics must be to say something about the real world rather than a possible world which will/can not ever occur. It is here possible to reduce GR to Newton's theory of gravitation, since GR only concerns utterly small effects or utterly extreme situations.
The fact that QM is concerned with possibilities is expressed by the nature of the wave function
describing the configuration of a system of N particles/electrons with x_i describing the possible position in 3d space (at some time) of particle i=1,2,...,N. The wave function \Psi (x_1,...,x_N) thus depends on 3N spatial variables (plus time) with \vert\Psi\vert^2(x_1,....,x_N) expressing the probability of the particle configuration with coordinates (x_1,...,x_N), and evolves in time according to the Schrödinger equation, thus from possibility to possibility.
The basic trouble with QM in this 3N-dimensional form is that computation of \Psi with a resolution of say 10^2 in each spatial variable requires 10^{6N} mesh points which fills any thinkable computer as soon as N is not very small. The QM world of possibilities is thus so rich that it is not accessible through computation, and if it is not accessible through computation, then it cannot tell something. The step from possibility to actuality/reality is in QM taken by something called "collapse of the wave function", which is the basic mystery behind the crisis/incompatibility.
Real Quantum Mechanics presents an alternative theory in the form of a system of
N electron charge densities in shared 3d space, thus basically a classical continuum mechanical system in 3d space, which is readily computable even for large
Real QM thus offers a way out of the crisis. Give it a try, after 100 years of unsuccessful attempts to reconciliation with GR/Newton:
- Real QM is fully compatible with GR/Newton's theory!
- Real QM is computable and can tell something!
- Real QM fits with observation.