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söndag 16 april 2017

Yes, anti-matter does anti-gravitate!

Sabine Hossenfelder asks in a recent post at Backreaction:
  • Why doesn’t anti-matter anti-gravitate?
According to the gravitational model presented in my app NewMath: Darkenergy, anti-matter does anti-gravitate as a result of the gravitational law
  • \Delta\phi = \rho
where \phi (x,t) is gravitational potential and \rho (x,t) mass density depending on a Euclidean space coordinate x and t is a time coordinate, where \rho (x,t) can be both positive and negative, and positive \rho (x,t) signifies presence of normal matter and negative \rho (x,t) signifies presence of anti-matter, at (x,t).

This model is explored under the following categories on this blog
Here is an output from as simulation with anti-matter (green) repelling normal matter (red) into expansion, as an explanation of the observed expansion of the universe.

Hopefully, you are now encouraged to download the app and test the model!