The experience with the programming platform Codea which I am reporting on Matematik-IT connects to an earlier view exposed on The World as Computation on the connection between matter and gravitation described by Newton's gravitational equation
- \Delta\phi =\rho, (1)
where \phi (x,t) is gravitational potential and \rho (x,t) mass density depending on a Euclidean space coordinate x and a time coordinate t, and \Delta is the Laplacian differential operator.
The conventional way of viewing (1) is to think of mass density \rho as primordial which generates a gravitational potential \phi, and corresponding gravitational force \nabla\phi, through the integral
- \phi (x,t) =\frac{1}{4\pi}\int\frac{\rho (y,t)\, dy}{\vert x-y\vert} (2)
But there is another way of thinking, maybe less primitive, which is to view instead gravitational potential \phi (x,t) as primordial and mass density
- \rho (x,t) =\Delta\phi (x,t) (3)
Viewing the world as computation then connects to the way Codea works with the screen being freshly redrawn 60 times a second from the code under function draw()....end, without storing anything previously written on the screen. This is the same way we perceive the world with our eyes with a fresh image at each new instant.
With this perspective we can think of (3) as the computer code which at each instant draws the world in a new configuration with new mass density \rho (x,t) from a gravitational potential \phi (x,t) which is changing in time according Newtonian mechanics.
In the same way as motion is exhibited by Codea by a sequence of fresh images coded under function draw()...end, the motion of matter we perceive would be a result of fresh reprinting of the world at each new instant according to the code (3).
The alternative view suggests a solution to Zeno's paradox, still unsolved after 2500 years, with the arrow being reprinted at each new instant in time giving the appearance of motion as change of position with time. Think of that!
Note that it Einstein's equations in nearly flat Minkowski space-time reduces to a wave equation variant of Newton's equation of the form
- -\frac{1}{c^2}\frac{\partial^2h_{\alpha\beta}}{\partial t^2}+\Delta h_{\alpha\beta} =\frac{16\pi G}{c^4}T_{\alpha\beta},
where h_{\alpha\beta} is metric perturbation and T_{\alpha\beta} stress-energy. This equation allows waves traveling at the speed c of light as "ripples of the fabric of space-time" in the common mysterious jargon of relativity theory, but the presence of the factor c^4 make such waves vanishingly weak. In short, there seems to be little reason to expect a wave equation variant of (1) to have physical significance, which can be seen as support of the alternative view.