tisdag 17 september 2024

The World = Differentiation + Integration

The mathematics of the Calculus of Leibniz and Newton allows a description of the World as the result of competing actions between differentiation and integration expressed as the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus as follows in non-technical terms: 

  • differentiation followed by integration = no change
  • integration followed by differentiation = no change 
thus with differentiation the inverse of integration and vice versa. In other words, the World can be seen as a competition/combination between 
  • increasing difference: separation: differentiation as local process: destabilising
  • decreasing difference: mixing: integration/summation as global process: stabilising.
In the previous posts we saw that small scale mass density and charge density can be "created" by differentiation seemingly "out of nothing" followed by integration to create large scale order over time. The kinetic energy driving this process comes from concentration of matter with decreasing gravitational potential energy. Details of this process is given in the books listed on the blog including in particular Computational Thermodynamics and The Clock and the Arrow decoding the direction of time, together with Real Quantum Mechanics decoding atom physics.

Calculus describes a World with positive mass and charge of variable sign, generated by the Laplacian differential operator, geared by gravitational force on large scale and arising from integration electrostatic force on small scale.

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