måndag 30 september 2024

Inflationary vs Neo-Newtonian Cosmology: Big or Small Bang?

Listening to Alan Guth outlining his Inflationary Cosmology IC in a WSU Master Class, connections to the Neo-Newtonian Cosmology NNC discussed in recent posts present themselves:

  • Inflation/expansion driven by repulsive anti-gravity.
  • Kinetic energy created by gravitational positive mass contraction under energy conservation. 
IC starts from a Big Bang scenario of a very hot very dense very small size state (of unknown origin) and gives arguments for a very rapid expansion in size. 

NNC starts from a high-frequency small amplitude large size perturbation of a zero gravitational potential in infinite 3d Euclidean space with zero mass density, from which by the action of a Laplacian differential operator substantial non-zero mass of variable sign is created, as a form of very gentle distributed Small Bang from which large separated regions of positive and negative mass density can form. 

In short, IC starts from a Big (concentrated) Bang while NNC starts from a Small (distributed) Bang, with more details in blog posts and Chapter 32 Cosmology of Computational Thermodynamics.

Your choice: Big Bang or Small Bang? 

I have contacted Alan Guth to get his view and will report if he responds.

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