måndag 15 juli 2024

New 2019 SI Meter Standard vs Special Relativity

The SI Standard adopted in 2019 specifies the speed of light c to be exactly 299792458 meter per second in all Euclidean coordinate systems, in particular in all inertial systems traveling with constant velocities with respect to each other. 

This means that in each coordinate system distance is determined by travel time of light signals assumed to travel at exactly the speed of c = 299792458 meter per second, with time measured by a standard caesium clock. 

The SI Standard thus requires all observers using different inertial systems to adjust their length unit so that the speed of light is the same for all observers. 

This means that with the 2019 SI Standard the basic postulate of Special Relativity SR of constancy of speed of light for all inertial observers is fulfilled as an agreement or standard, which cannot be subject to experimental verification since it is void of physics. 

This means that SR since 2019 is void pf physics, because the basic postulate of SR is simply an agreement and not a statement about physics which can be true or false. 

Already from the beginning in 1905 the physics of SR with its strange effects of time dilationspace contraction and relativistic mass, was subject to harsh criticism on very good grounds. But against all odds SR managed to survive under the cover of General Relativity GR, which was more difficult to question since it involved new mathematics no physicist could understand. 

So now we can finally put SR into the historic bin of non-physical theories including flogistons and luminiferous aether, and replace it by Many-Minds Relativity MMR which is perfectly compatible with the 2019 SI Standard. 

The central problem addressed in MMR is to what extent different observes using different inertial systems following the 2019 SI Standard, will agree. Take a look.  

Summary: With the 2019 SI Standard, SR is a non-physical theory, which as such is useless. MMR is a physical theory compatible with the 2019 SI  Standard addressing the problems which originally motivated SR. Since modern physics is based on SR viewed to be a physical theory, modern physics after 2019 is not the same as before. After a detour into SR over a period of 120 years, modern physics can now return to its rational classical foundation as Newton's mechanics and Maxwell's electromagnetics. 

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