- Aerodynamics today is ... almost always taught in a truncated version that ... has lost much of the profundity.
- Even the truncated version is no longer as highly respected as it used to be.
- In consequence, there are many employed today in the aerospace industry, and even in academia, whose grasp of the basic theory of flight contains many gaps.
- These gaps are apparent to thoughtful students, who frequently attempt to fill them in for themselves, although the remedy is usually worse than the disease.
- I believe that the authors of the paper under review ... are right to quarrel with the truncated version that they, like others, have apparently received.
- The relationship between potential flow and real flow ... is glossed over in the great majority of contemporary texts.
- The authors greatly underestimate the classical theory, most likely because the usual truncated exposition has not shown it to them in its proper light. The authors have put their fingers accurately on many of the defects in the truncated versions of aerodynamic theory that are now current.
- These difficult issues were struggled with years ago by the founding fathers of the subject... Sadly, the outcomes of those struggles have since been simplified or discarded in modern presentations to create a pragmatic treatment focusing on utility.
- Undergraduate textbooks these days all too often simply omit anything that students find difficult.....proliferating literature of “theories of flight” that serves only to confuse students and mislead the public.
- I wish it were possible to retract what has already been written.
- A book intended for specialists, but that is old enough not to have succumbed to the almost universal dumbing down, is Theory of Flight, by R. von Mises.
Reviewer 2 thus clearly expresses that the state-of-the-art aerodynamics education of today represented by AIAA and my aerodynamics colleagues at KTH, is degenerated and concludes with:
- I believe that serious issues of substantial public interest are involved.
Yes, serious issues of great public interest are involved. How is now AIAA going to handle the criticism and how is AIAA Journal going to handle our article? By suppressing it? Or publishing it because of its substantial public interest?
The critique is also voiced in AIAA Journal by J Hoffren, Quest for an Improved Explanation of Lift, 2001:
The critique is also voiced in AIAA Journal by J Hoffren, Quest for an Improved Explanation of Lift, 2001:
- The basic physical principles tend to be buried and replaced by mystical jargon.
- Classical explanations for the generation of lift do not make the essence of the subject clear, relying heavily on cryptical terminology and theorems from mathematics.
- Many classical texts even appear to have a fundamental error in their underlying assumptions.
- Although the subject of lift is old, it is felt that a satisfactory general but easily understandable explanation for the phenomenon (of lift), is still lacking, and consequently there is a genuine need for one.
- It is amazing that today, almost 100 years after the first flight of the Wright Flyer, groups of engineers, scientists, pilots, and others can gather together and have a spirited debate on how an airplane wing generates lift. Various explanations are put forth, and the debate centers on which explanation is the most fundamental.
- It is a time of change in the aerospace profession and AIAA has to change with it.
- More and more aerospace professionals are being challenged to explain why we do what we do, not just explain how we do it.
- It is increasingly important for aerospace prof to explain, to justify and to show why what we do is important and relevant to the future.
- We have focussed on being the best we could possibly be at doing what we do.
- We have been excellent at that.
- AIAA is viewed as the worlds technical repository of aviation, aerospace data and technical knowledge.
- We are the best at that of anyone in the world and must continue to remain so.
- We need to change with the times.
Maybe AIAA from this perspective will be open to a New Theory of Flight?
nice :)
SvaraRaderacool math games for kids
Maybe much would be won if professors Johnson/Hoffman could make a loose sketch on the connection of suction+downwash = lift. Much critizism would disappear if a trustworty alternative to Prantl's boundary layer theory could be given...
Trivially lift comes from suction generated by downwash. What is required is an explanation of the fluid mechanics generating suction/downwash and that is what we do and Prandtl does not. AIAA does not listen to our argument which is unfortunate to people in the air, and they are many. But to be deaf is not an attitude of science.
SvaraRaderaJag läste en kommentar online av en Amerika-baserad journalist avslöjar hur han hittar en pojkvän, 3 månader efter att hennes ex bofryiend bröt upp.
SvaraRaderaJag skickar ett e-postmeddelande för att kontakta samma Dr.Amiso eftersom jag har dessa kraftfulla avsikter att saker kommer att fungera för mig, jag trodde på vittnesmål är bevis i verkligheten. Jag insåg att det här skulle vara bra att dela här eftersom jag vet att det kommer att inspirera andra också.
lyckligtvis för mig kom jag över Dr.Amiso e-postkontakt i ett blogginlägg. I dag vittnar jag med glädje och lycka till världen ... detta är ett av de mest glada ögonblicken i mitt liv. Dr.Amiso den storslagna kärleks-stavningen, startade en trollformel för min räkning för att återhämta min ex-man med sin trollformel och magi.
Jag är gift i över 6 år och det var så fruktansvärt eftersom min man verkligen fuskade på mig och letade efter en skilsmässa, vi slogs upp för 4 månader sedan och vi kom tillbaka igen efter så mycket tiggeri med trevliga gåvor av kärlek .
Jag älskar min man så mycket. Jag kunde inte ha gjort någonting för att skada honom eller få honom att måla sig illa längre ... jag ville bara att han skulle älska mig för alltid. idag lever vi båda lyckligt tillsammans. Jag älskar honom så mycket. Min poäng är att han var min första kärlek (åtminstone det är som det känns).
Jag är glad och tacksam för den här stora mannen. Först hade jag rädsla för tvivel, men jag försöker och det fungerar till mitt bästa. Jag är säker på att det här fungerar också, 100% säker.
kontakta honom genom sin personliga amail via (herbalisthome01@gmail.com)
han har befogenheter att lösa följande relationsfrågor;
* Love Spells Win-Back Ex-älskare, Var rik och stanna med dig för alltid.
* Magi för framgång och marknadsföring, ingen annan utom bara du.
* Traditionella örter och rötter för att bota bröstcancer, kropp, mun och virginal lukt / utsläpp.
* Magisk trollformulering för bröst- och penisförstoring / minskning.
* bota Stop Nightmare, Bad Dreams & Convuction.
* andlig rening, fettförbränning och sockerreglering i kroppen.
* fertilitetsmagi - FRUKT AV KVINNOR & Bär ditt eget barn.
* Fri från att mörda & kidnappas.
Internet hjälper verkligen mycket med att ge en snabb och brådskande lösning på livsproblem.
här är Dr.Amisos personliga e-postadress; herbalisthome01@gmail.com