The new Bachelor program in Simulation Technology (ST) at KTH planned to start in the Fall this year, has been stopped by the Department of Numerical Analysis (NADA) within the School of Computer Science and Communication, the same department which proposed and dragged the program through all the levels of KTH to applause and acceptance at the top level.
In the fight for students, which is getting increasingly tough, this is like winning the first prize
in an architecture competition of a new opera, but then simply throwing the winning drawings into the waste basket and walking away without making the dream of the beautiful building come true, leaving this to others, in this case to Malmö College.
At the same time SVT reports about the booming market of Ipad Apps as another name of Simulation Technology, and the alarming lack of education and competence in Sweden in this
area. Ipad Apps are to be created at Malmö College but not at KTH. Of course a university like KTH does not play in the same league as a little college. After all Apps are something made by the people for the people, nothing for royalties.
Why NADA decided to throw its baby ST into the waste basket? See previous posts on NADA
and KTH-gate.
The students of Numerical Methods II, where the e-version of BodyandSoul (eBS) has been tested as a basis of ST, have been helpful in stopping ST by throwing eBS into the waste basket. Why? Because Ipad Apps/ST/eBS is incompatible with the conservative royal education at KTH
and its conservative royal students, where ST students evidently have no place.
But even in the Royal Kingdom of Sweden the support of royals is fading.
Jag undrar om inte Björn Engquist har en fot inne i klimatsvängen: