Global climate models are based on turbulence models, since the slightly viscous flow of air in the atmosphere and water in the oceans is turbulent. Turbulence modeling, in the form of analytical mathematical models, is a main unsolved problem of fluid mechanics.
In our book Computational Turbulent Incompressible Flow, with prel. version for download, Johan Hoffman and I present a new approach to turbulence modeling based on ab initio numerical computation with turbulence automatically modeled by the stabilization of the numerics, thus without any explicit analytical turbulence model.
We show that mean-value quantities of turbulent flow such as drag and mean temperature can be accurately computed without analytical turbulence model, thus circumventing the main unsolved problem of fluid mechanics. We plan to test this approach on climate modeling with hopefully a connection between turbulence and the main unsolved problem of climate modeling: cloud formation.
We will report as soon as we have something to report on...hopefully before the Copenhagen meeting in December...since the outcome of this meeting critically depends on computational modeling of turbulence and cloud formation...and dark clouds over the meeting are already forming...
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