fredag 16 augusti 2024

How to Follow the 2019 SI Standard of Measuring Distance

Recent posts have pointed to the fact that according the 2019 SI Standard, distances shall be measured in terms of travel time of light under the specification that the speed of light is exactly 299792458 meter/second. 

The perfect way to follow the SI Standard is to use the LiDAR instrument for optical distance measurement:

  • The distance measurement by means of time-of-flight measurement of laser light (LiDAR, light detection and ranging) is the method we use most frequently. In the range of a few centimeters up to several hundred meters it is the method of choice when high accuracy and measuring speed have to be achieved even under difficult and changing environmental conditions. To measure distances, light is emitted and reflected by the object. The distance between the measuring device and the target object can be determined on the basis of the speed of light and the measured time-of-flight of the light from the light source (emitter) to the object and back to the detector.t
The measurement of distance in meter to an object is based on Maxwell' equations for propagation of light as electromagnetic wave in a Euclidean coordinate system with the instrument/observer stationary in the coordinate system setting the speed of light to exactly $c=299792458$ meter/second. The travel time of a light signal emitted by the instrument and reflected back from the object is measured by a standard caesium clock, which is then translated to a distance by the specified speed of light. 

The key question is to what extent different observers moving with constant velocity $v$ with respect to each other obeying to the SI Standard using e g LiDAR, will be able to agree on distances and velocities. 

Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity has no information to offer, since it was formed under the old meter stick standard, while Many-Minds Relativity has. Depending on the communication between different observers, first or second order effects in $\frac{v}{c}$ arise. For human observers $\frac{v}{c}$ is very small and so agreement to high precision is guaranteed.  

The 2019 SI Standard has effectively eliminated SR from physics. This is a major step forward since SR has been blocking unification of mechanics and electromagnetics for 114 years.

PS LiDAR can also measure velocities using the Doppler effect.

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