onsdag 14 augusti 2024

Summary of Special Relativity after 2019 = 0

The Lorentz transformation as the essence of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity SR was motivated by an observation indicating that different observers moving with constant velocity with respect to each other (inertial motion) can have the same perception of the speed of light. 

In the 2019 SI Standard this is made into a definition/specification to follow by all observers to measure length/distance as travel time of light with a certain specification of the speed of light the same for all observers independent of inertial motion. 

This means that by definition/specification according to 2019 SI Standard, all observers have the same perception of the speed of light. 

This means that the original role of the Lorentz transformation has been taken over by the 2019 SI Standard. This means that the original mission for the Lorentz transformation has vanished along with SR. 

Recall that the Lorentz transformation was an ad hoc transformation introduced by Lorentz to formally give different observers the same perception of the speed of light. Lorentz pointed out that his transformation did not represent any physics. With the 2019 SI Standard there is thus no reason whatsoever to keep the Lorentz transformation as a basic element of modern physics. 

If this could be accepted by modern physicists the science of physics would be greatly simplified. 

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