tisdag 27 augusti 2024

Material vs Immaterial Physics: Out of the Crisis

A basic dilemma of modern theoretical physics is that it carries a contradiction between material physics well described by Galilean invariant Newtonian mechanics and immaterial physics of propagation of light in vaccum as an electromagnetic wave phenomena well described by Maxwell's equations, while formally Lorentzian invariant fundamentally different from Galilean. 

Is it possible to resolve this contradiction in a unified Newton-Maxwell theory? Maybe, since this is what effectively is used in engineering applications.  Maybe the contradiction of theory is the result of misconception of the nature of light propagation, as particle may be? Let us give it a try.

We start noting that mathematical description of physics requires the use of some coordinate system for spatial representation like a 3d Euclidean system with $x$-coordinates and also a time coordinate $t$. In material physics it is natural to fix the coordinate system to some part of a material system, e.g. the Earth or the Sun. The mathematical description of material physics will then take different forms depending on choice of coordinate system and it is possible to view the real physics to be independent of choice of coordinate system. Same physics described differently in different coordinate systems with possibility of coordinating descriptions  and observations in different systems to one coordinated picture of material reality. This is the setting of Newtonian mechanics being Galilean invariant under transformations between Euclidean coordinate systems moving with constant velocity with respect to each other (inertial systems) as an expression of the fact that Newton's 2nd Law literally takes the same form in all inertial systems. Newtonian mechanics thus satisfies Galilean relativity. 

Modern physics was initiated at the turn to the 20th century from a conception that light propagation is not described by Galilean relativity but requires another Lorentzian form of relativity, which Einstein coined as his Special Theory of Relativity SR. The trouble was that Newtonian mechanics satisfying Galilean relativity but not Lorenztian, then had to be modified to a new form of relativistic mechanics coming with strange new phenomena of space contraction and time dilation to become  trade marks of modern physics as strangeness. The more strange, the better.

SR thus created a contradiction between Newtonian material mechanics and immaterial light propagation fuelling the crisis of modern physics which ignited already at start.  

SR resulted from a fruitless search of a unique material medium named luminiferous aether for the propagation of light acting like air for propagation of sound, evidenced by the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment MME. This motivated Einstein to declare SR as a no-aether-at-all theory, which he retracted in 1919 admitting that a coordinate system is needed to express Maxwell's equations and that a coordinate system acts as a form of aether. 

But the null result of MME can as an alternative to a no-aether-at-all theory a la SR, be accommodated in a many-aether theory with Many-Minds Relative MMR as an alternative. MMR is compatible with both  Newton and Maxwell and thus represents a step out of the crisis towards unification.

While the choice of coordinate system has a clear connection to material mechanics, the connection to immaterial electromagnetics is less clear. The key point in MMR is that light propagation involves both emitter and receiver which both have material presence as charge oscillation, where it is natural to connect the coordinate system to the receiver allowing the emitter to move. Each emitter-receiver system thus establishes an aether in which light propagation appears as a resonance phenomenon. There are many possible such emitter-receiver systems representing a many-aether theory. 

MMR is a wave theory based on Maxwell's equations. Einstein based SR on his idea of light-as-particle which led him to strange physics. There is no good reason to maintain an idea of light-as-particle since a light-as-wave can explain all phenomena observed.  


  • MMR is a light-as-wave theory with propagation of light emitter-receiver as a physical resonance phenomenon.
  • SR is based on light-as-particle theory which is non-physical. 



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