onsdag 28 augusti 2024

Elastic vs Electromagnetic Waves

Einstein's Special Theory Relativity SR resulted from the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment seeking to identify a unique medium for the propagation of light named luminiferous aether, like air for the propagation of sound, arising with Maxwell's equations describing light as electromagnetic wave with a key aspect being the choice of Euclidean coordinate system. 

In the apparent absence of a unique aether, Einstein explored a no-aether-at-all option with observations in different coordinate systems necessarily being coordinated by Lorentz transformation which became SR. 

As Many-Minds Relativity MMR I have explored the possibility of many-aethers with different Euclidean coordinate systems connecting to different physical configurations. Light propagation is here viewed as an immaterial  resonance phenomenon between material emitter and receiver with the coordinate system locked to the material receiver. With many receivers this leads to many-aethers. 

We find the same situation in the setting of elastic waves in an elastic bar, which can be generated by hitting one end with a hammer as emitter and recording the reaction at the other end as receiver.  The elastic wave is then described in a coordinate system fixed to the bar acting as medium for propagation of elastic waves. We can then easily image a collection of elastic bars moving with constant velocity with respect to each other carrying a collection of coordinate systems as inertial systems.

We thus meet the same situation for light/electromagnetic waves as elastic waves in a collection of elastic bars with in both cases the coordinate system being locked to the material configuration as a many-aether system. 

This may help to remove the mystery of light propagation with the same speed in all inertial systems as the basic assumption of MMR by understanding that coordinate systems are "carried along" by material configurations.

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