Let us compare RealQM as a new model of quantum mechanics with StdQM as the accepted model, for the formation of a Hydrogen molecule H2 from two Hydrogen atoms H each with one electron around a proton kernel approaching each other to find a minimum of total energy $E$ as the sum of kernel-kernel repulsion potential energy $K$, electron-kernel attractive potential energy $EK$, electron-electron repulsive potential energy $EE$ and electron kinetic energy $EKIN$.
RealQM describes H2 in terms of a common wave function depending on a 3d spatial varaiable $x$
- $\Psi (x)=\Psi_1(x) + \Psi_2(x)$
- $K = \frac{1}{D}$
- $EK =-\sum_{i,j=1,2}\int \frac{\Psi_i(x)^2}{\vert x-Xj\vert }dx$
- $EE=\int\int\frac{\Psi_1(x)^2\Psi_2(y)^2}{\vert x-y\vert }dxdy$ (1)
- $EKIN=\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1,2}\vert\nabla\Psi_i(x)\vert^2dx$.
- $\psi (x,y)=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\psi_1(x)\psi_2(y)-\psi_1(y)\psi_2(x))$
- $EE= \int\int\frac{\psi_1(x)^2\psi_2(y)^2}{\vert x-y\vert }dxdy+EC$ (2)
- $EC=-\int\int\frac{\psi_1(x)\psi_2(x)\psi_1(y)\psi_2(y)}{\vert x-y\vert }dxdy$ (3)
- The one-electron wave functions $\Psi_1(x)$ and $\Psi_2(x)$ depend on the same 3d space variable $x$ and have disjoint supports. Electron densities do not overlap and meet at a Bernoulli free boundary in this case a plane orthogonal/midway to the axis between the kernels. Pauli Exclusion Principle trivially satisfied.
- Electron-electron repulsive potential energy is given by (1).
- Total energy minimisation corresponds to classical problem of continuum mechanics in 3D with computational cost scaling with $h^{-2}$ with $h$ spatial resolution (not Planck's constant).
- The total wave function $\psi (x,y)$ depends on two 3d space coordinates $x$ and $y$.
- Electron-electron energy is given by (2) with electron-correlation energy correction by (3).
- Minimization is performed over some variation of $\psi_1(x)$ and $\psi_2(y)$ depending on altogether 6 spatial dimensions with high computational cost.
- Results in agreement with observations can be reached under sufficient variability of wave functions by trial and error.
- StdQM depends on 6 spatial dimensions and introduces new physics in the form of the exchange-interaction term $EC$.
- RealQM depends on 3 spatial dimensions and does not require new physics beyond the kinetic energy $EKIN$ eliminating possibility of electron particle nature.
- StdQM needs anti-symmetric wave functions for electrons of same spin to satisfy Pauli Exclusion Principle, which is automatically satisfied by RealQM.
- RealQM gives efficient computation in 3d.
- STdQM requires heavy computation in 6d.
- Both RealQM and StdQM can give correct total energy.
- RealQM can be seen as form of DFT without its difficulties in standard form.
- RealQM shares aspects of StdQM and DFT, but has a distinct new quality of non-overlapping one-electron densities meeting at a Bernoullli free boundary.
- RealQM has the form of classical continuum physics in 3d with free boundary.
- The computational cost increases polynomially with number of electrons for RealQM, and exponentially for StdQM.
- Altogether RealQM appears to give more for the money with less new physics than StdQM and DFT.
- It is reasonable to expect that RealQM can reach an audience, but tradition going 100 years back is strong. Thousands of scientists have contributed to StdQM/DFT, only one to RealQM.