The Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry have been awarded since 1901 by The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, according to the terms of the Alfred Nobel will.
The Royal Academy serves as the scientific guarantee of Swedish climate politics as expressed in its statement in support of IPCC.
In both these roles scientific credibility is crucial. How does then the Royal Academy show that it is worthy of Nobel's will and the trust of Swedish government and people?
Yesterday I witnessed how the Royal Academy violated the most basic principle of science: open free discussion. A shocking experience worthy of a 1984 totalitarian state. What was then so shocking? Well, what do you say about this:
The Royal Academy arranged a scientific seminar on Prediction of Future Climate (together with The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences IVA) with the following flagrant violations of open scientific discussion:
- only IPCC loyal speakers allowed to pump out standard IPCC dogmas
- not a word of criticism of IPPC
- speakers presented only trivialities as if the audience consisted of fools
- only IPCC loyal speakers allowed in "panel discussion"
- no questions from audience allowed during presentations and panel discussion
- questions to the panel invited to be submitted in advance
- none of the invited submitted questions discussed by the panel.
The audience of about 100 scientists was treated like herd of sheep. Nobody in the audience objected to the treatment, although there were many IPCC critics. A sad experience.
How is this possible? Why does the Royal Academy violate the most holy principle of science
of open free discussion? Why does the Royal Academy support a corrupt IPCC? Why does the Royal Academy humiliate Swedish scientists?
The Nobel Peace Prize to Gore and Pachauri was a joke. Why risk to make also the Prizes in Physics and Chemistry to a joke? What would Alfred Nobel have said? Nothing probably, because he would not have been allowed to speak.
More about the scandal on IVA-skandalen.
Hela grönhus spektaklet påminner en aning om utredningen kring Thomas Quick, som Leif GW kallat den sämsta polisutredning i historien. Bara spån, inga hårda fakta, och Quick påhejad i alla sina vilda fantasier av en grupp som mest av allt önskade sig en svensk seriemördare av internationell dignitet.
SvaraRaderaDet fanns ett antal kritiska röster när det begav sig, men det dröjde länge innan bubblan brast.
Kanske är det samma sak som kommer att hända med den här historien. James Hansen säger på sin dödsbädd:
"Jag bara skämtade, men belöningen från politiska intressegrupper var så stor att jag bara fortsatte"
Jo, rackarns tur han hade Hansen att han blev räddad ur sin fattigdom av IPCC.
SvaraRaderaIVA is "The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences" (in Swedish "Kungliga Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademin"). They don't award any Nobel prizes.
SvaraRaderaCorrect. The seminar was organized jointly by The Royal Academy of Sciences KVA and of Engineering Sciences IVA. I speak about the role of KVA as concerns Nobel Prizes and climate statement.