Standard Quantum Mechanics StdQM presents a picture of an atom as being built from electron configurations/orbitals represented by the eigenfunctions for the Hydrogen atom H as the excited states of its one and only electron according to the following partial list:
There is no real rationale for this choice of representation for the electron configuration of an atom with many electrons, other than the completeness of the set of Hydrogen eigenfunctions like any other set.
The idea is thus to build many-electron configurations as combinations of the above list. Is it a good idea? Does it appear to be complicated? Is it likely that real physics is built this way from some storage of Hydrogen eigenfunctions? It has the same ad hoc character as the Linne's Sexual System classifying plants into groups based on the arrangement of stamens and pistils, today completed in the Standard Model of particle physics.
We see in the above collection a presence of a shell structure which connects to a different representation of a many-electron configuration as organized in an expanding sequence of shells with at most $2*n^2$ electrons in shell $n=1,2,,$. Here is this shell structure for Iron complemented by electron orbitals below
RealQM is based on a new form of Schrödinger equation for a collection of one-electron wave functions with non-overlapping supports meeting at a Bernoulli free boundary, which for an atom has a shell structure carrying the supports and where the actual electron distribution comes out as a packing problem under energy minimisation. You can inspect the representation of a Gold atom in this code by pressing start.
The basic shape of an atom in RealQM in spherical symmetry thus consists of a sequence of non-overlapping spherical shells with a certain number of equally distributed electrons in each shell, like a spherical onion built from spherical shells:
In this model there is no need of complicated Hydrogen electron orbitals from the above lists. Using Ockham's razor we can thus leave these out and make life much simpler as concerns mathematical modeling of atoms. This model meets the requirement of Anschaulichkeit demanded by Schrödinger, but not met by StdQM.
For molecules, RealQM offers a richer set of shapes formed by shell interaction of outermost shells of several atoms. See label RealQM Quantum Chemistry.