måndag 22 juli 2024

Unthinkable that Newton's Theory of Gravitation is Not Correct

The grandest achievement of human intelligence is Newton's Theory of Gravitation NG which can be expressed as a Poisson/Laplace equation:

  • $\Delta\phi =\rho$             (N)
where $\phi$ is gravitational potential and $\rho$ mass density depending on a Euclidean space coordinate $x$ and time coordinate $t$ and $\Delta$ is the Laplacian differential operator with respect to $x$, and the gradient $\nabla\phi$ is gravitational force. 

(N) is a mathematical/logical consequence of 
  1. Gravitational force $F$ is a conservative force with work independent of path and so of the form $F=\nabla\phi$. 
  2. Conservation of force expressed as $\nabla\cdot F=\rho$ leading to (N). 
It is unthinkable that gravitational force is not conservative (not 1) and also unthinkable that it is not conserved (not 2), and so it is unthinkable that (N) is not the connection between gravitational potential and mass density. If there is an experiment/observation/theory contradicting (N), then there must be something wrong with the experiment/observation/theory. 

It is unthinkable the NG is not correct. God must have created the World from mathematical principles.

I have discussed (N) in many posts on New View on Newtonian Gravitation and New Newtonian Cosmology.  

Einstein said that his biggest mistake was the presence of cosmological constant in his General Theory of Relativity GR presenting an alternative to NG.  

The biggest mistake of modern physics was to throw out NG and replace it with GR, which has put modern physics in a permanent state of crisis. 

Einstein is viewed to be the greatest physicist of all times, greater than Newton, because Einstein is viewed to have shown that NG is wrong. 

But we have just understood that it is unthinkable that NG is wrong. The conclusion can only be that Einstein's claim that NG is wrong, cannot be true. 

This means that it is unthinkable that Einstein is correct. It is time to return to Newton and let Einstein fade away and so proceed to get out of the present state of crisis of modern physics. Ok? 

5 kommentarer:

  1. So we go back to old Greep philosphy? Idéas are based only on whether or not they are elegant, regardless of if they fit observations.

    It's perfectly thinkable that GR is correct. That's what a long list of tests have shown. There was even a switch back in the first GPS-satellite because the engineers who made it wasn't quite sure, but they had to flip it to "GR is correct" once the satellite was in orbit and started transmitting.

  2. There is no observation that Newton's gravity is wrong, which is not very questionable because the effect is so incredibly small.

  3. I assume you never use GPS then...

    1. It is a common misconception that GPS requires relativity theory to work. Ron Hatch chief designer of GPS claims that the fact that GPS works means that special relativity is wrong.

    2. Hatch seems to have some hypothesis of his own, but it's certaintly not Newtonian.
