måndag 15 juli 2024

New 2019 SI Standard requires Restart of Modern Physics

This is a clarification of the latest posts on Einstein's influence on modern physics.

The SI Standard since 2019 defines length scale (meter) in terms of travel time of light assuming that the speed of light is exactly 299792458 meter per second, while time scale (second) is set by a caesium clock.  

This means that different observers using different spatial Euclidean coordinate systems traveling with different constant speeds with respect to each other, using different inertial systems, will have to adjust their meter scale to an agreed speed of light of 299792458 meter per second according to the 2019 SI Standard.  

This means that the basic postulate of Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity SR stating that the speed of light is the same in all inertial systems, is no longer a statement about physics, which can be true or false, but simply a definition or standard or agreement or convention and as such stating nothing about physical reality. 

This means that SR since 2019 has nothing to say about real physics and so has no longer any meaning as a physical theory. 

This means that modern physics has to make a fresh restart since modern physics is based on SR which no longer is a physical theory. 

The real question confronting physicists after 2019 is to what extent observations in different inertial systems will agree. This is the theme of Many-Minds Relativity MMR, which is a physical theory of relativity conforming to the 2019 SI Standard. 

Next question to be addressed: What will modern physics look like with SR replaced by MMR?

Of course some physicists will claim that SR is a theory about physics even after 2019, since it is a physical fact that the speed of light is the same for all observers independent of length scale adopted, even if that of course is absurd, and this is the reason it can be used as a meter standard. We may compare with time standard set by the same caesium clock for all observers with clock rate independent of inertial motion as a physical fact.  



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