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söndag 29 januari 2017

The Radiating Atom

In the analysis on Computational Blackbody Radiation I used the following model of a harmonic oscillator of frequency \omega with small damping \gamma >0 subject to near resonant forcing f(t):
  • \ddot u+\omega^2u-\gamma\dddot u=f(t)
with the following characteristic energy balance between outgoing and incoming energy:
  • \gamma\int\ddot u^2dt =\int f^2dt
with integration over a time period and the dot signifying differentiation with respect to time t

An extension to Schrödingers equation written as a system of real-valued wave functions \phi and \psi may take the form
  • \dot\phi +H\psi -\gamma\dddot \psi = f(t)            (1)
  • -\dot\psi +H\phi -\gamma\dddot \phi = g(t)          (2)
where H is a Hamiltonian, f(t) and g(t) represent near-resonant forcing, and \gamma =\gamma (\dot \rho )\ge 0 with \gamma (0)=0 and \rho =\phi^2 +\psi^2 is charge density.

This model carries the characteristics displayed of the model \ddot\phi+H^2\phi =0 as the 2nd order in time model obtained after eliminating \psi in the case \gamma =0 as displayed in a previous post. 

In particular, multiplication of (1) by \phi and (2) by -\psi and addition gives conservation of charge if f(t)\phi -g(t)\psi =0 as a natural phase shift condition. 

Further, multiplication of (1) by \dot\psi and (2) by \dot\phi and addition gives a balance of total energy as inner energy plus radiated energy 
  • \int (\phi H\phi +\psi H\psi)dt +\gamma\int (\ddot\phi^2 +\ddot\psi^2)dt
in terms of work of forcing.

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