As a sum-up of the present series of posts on the radiating atom, we consider Schrödinger's equation for a radiating Hydrogen atom subject to forcing in the form of a second order wave equation
- \ddot\psi +H^2\psi -\gamma\dddot\psi = f (1)
where \psi (x,t) is a real-valued electronic wave function of a space coordinate x=(x_1,x_2,x_3) and time t, H is the Hamiltonian defined by
- H =-\frac{h^2}{2m}\Delta + V,
where \Delta is the Laplacian with respect to x, V(x)=-\frac{1}{\vert x\vert} is the kernel potential, m the electron mass, h Planck's constant, the dot signifies differentiation with respect to time t, f is external forcing, and \gamma =\gamma (\psi ) is a non-negative radiation damping coefficient.
The formulation of Schrödinger's equation as a second order wave equation in terms of a real-valued wave function was considered by Schrödinger in 1926 as an alternative to the standard formulation as a 1st order complex-valued equation. In the homogeneous case with f=0 and \gamma =0, the two formulations are equivalent: In particular, conservation of total charge as
We consider radiation of frequency \nu =(E_2-E_1)/h where E_1 is the energy of the ground state as an eigenfunction \Psi_1 (x) of H with minimal eigenvalue E_1 and E_2 is a larger eigenvalue with eigenfunction \Psi_2(x). We reformulate (1) in the form
We assume that the forcing is given as a linear combination of plane electromagnetic waves (0,0,\cos(\omega (x_1-ct)) of frequencies \omega\approx\nu =(E_2-E_1)/h progressing in the x_1-direction with the speed of light c. We seek a solution \psi (x,t) of (2) of as a linear combination of \Psi_1 and \Psi_2 of the form
The formulation of Schrödinger's equation as a second order wave equation in terms of a real-valued wave function was considered by Schrödinger in 1926 as an alternative to the standard formulation as a 1st order complex-valued equation. In the homogeneous case with f=0 and \gamma =0, the two formulations are equivalent: In particular, conservation of total charge as
- \frac{d}{dt}\int\rho (x,t)dx =0,
We consider radiation of frequency \nu =(E_2-E_1)/h where E_1 is the energy of the ground state as an eigenfunction \Psi_1 (x) of H with minimal eigenvalue E_1 and E_2 is a larger eigenvalue with eigenfunction \Psi_2(x). We reformulate (1) in the form
- \ddot\psi +H_1^2\psi -\gamma\dddot\psi = f, (2)
where H_1 = H - E_1 and note that H_1\Psi_1=0 and H_1\Psi_2=(E_2-E_1)\Psi.
We assume that the forcing is given as a linear combination of plane electromagnetic waves (0,0,\cos(\omega (x_1-ct)) of frequencies \omega\approx\nu =(E_2-E_1)/h progressing in the x_1-direction with the speed of light c. We seek a solution \psi (x,t) of (2) of as a linear combination of \Psi_1 and \Psi_2 of the form
- \psi (x,t) =c_1(t)\Psi_1(x) + c_2(t)\Psi_2(x)
with time dependent coefficients c_1(t) and c_2(t). Inserting this Ansatz into (2), multiplying by \Psi_1 and \Psi_2 and integrating with respect to x, we obtain assuming orthonormality of \Phi_1 and \Psi_2, time-periodicity and normalizing to c=1 and h=1:
- \ddot c_1(t) -\gamma\dddot c_1(t) = f_1(t)\equiv\int f(x,t)\Psi_1(x)dx for all t,
- \ddot c_2(t) +\nu^2c_2(t)-\gamma\dddot c_2(t) =f_2(t)\equiv\int f(x,t)\Psi_2(x)dx for all t.
By x_1-symmetry of \Psi_1(x) it follows that f_1(t)=0 with the effect that c_1(t)=c_1 is constant. Further, if \Psi_2(x) is a (2,1,0) p-state oriented in the x_3-direction, see above figure, then f_2(t) is a non-zero linear combination of \cos(\omega t), and by the analysis of Mathematical Physics of Black Body Radiation and Computational Black Body Radiation,
The value of the radiation damping coefficient \gamma (\psi ) is set so that conservation of charge is maintained under forcing with the radiation balance (3). If f=0 and \psi is a pure eigenstate, then \gamma = 0.
Notice that the above argument can be shifted by replacing the ground-state \Psi_1(x) as a time-independent and non-radiating pure eigenstate by an eigenfunction \Psi_j(x) of H with larger energy, again viewed as a time-independent and non-radiating pure eigenstate. This reflects that the time-dependence of pure eigenstates is not observable and thus up to the imagination of an observer. This is not evident in the standard formulation of Schrödinger's equation.
- \int\gamma\ddot\psi^2(x,t)dxdt = \int\gamma\ddot c_2^2(t)dt\approx \int f_2^2(t)dt, (3)
The value of the radiation damping coefficient \gamma (\psi ) is set so that conservation of charge is maintained under forcing with the radiation balance (3). If f=0 and \psi is a pure eigenstate, then \gamma = 0.
Notice that the above argument can be shifted by replacing the ground-state \Psi_1(x) as a time-independent and non-radiating pure eigenstate by an eigenfunction \Psi_j(x) of H with larger energy, again viewed as a time-independent and non-radiating pure eigenstate. This reflects that the time-dependence of pure eigenstates is not observable and thus up to the imagination of an observer. This is not evident in the standard formulation of Schrödinger's equation.
We sum up the virtues of (1) as a semi-classical continuum wave model of a radiating atom subject to forcing, as compared to QED as a non-classical quantum particle model:
- (1) lends itself to physical interpretation as force balance.
- (1) lends itself to mathematical analysis.
- The term \ddot\psi connects to kinetic energy in classical mechanics and suggests that the common terminology of quantum mechanics of connecting \Delta\psi to kinetic energy, is not natural; a connection to a form of elastic energy may have better physical meaning.
- (1) has a natural extension to a model for a many-electron atom as a system of one-electron equations, which is computable and thus potentially useful, in contrast to the standard multi-dimensional Schrödinger equation, which is uncomputable and thus potentially useless.
- The incoming wave is represented as forcing independent of the wave function \psi, which faciliates mathematical analysis and understanding, and not as in QED through a time-dependent contribution to the Hamiltonian, which opens to troublesome self-interaction.
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