To seek the relation between atomic absorption and emission of radiation, let us consider a near-resonantly forced harmonic oscillator with small damping as the basic model underlying the analysis presented at Computational Black Body Radiation:
- \ddot u(t)+\nu^2u(t)+\gamma\dot u(t) = f(t),
which we in mechanical terms, with the dot representing differentiation with respect to time, expresses force balance between a mass-spring oscillator with internal inertial force \ddot u(t) and spring force \nu^2u(t) with u(t) displacement and resonance frequency \nu, coupled in parallel with a friction force \gamma\dot u(t), which are balancing an exterior force f(t). Here \gamma >0 is a small damping coefficient and we consider the two basic cases of
1. Non-resonant forcing with frequency of f(t) not near \nu:
- \gamma\dot u(t) \approx f(t) and \ddot u(t)+\nu^2u(t)\approx 0.
- \gamma\dot u(t) \approx 0 and \ddot u(t)+\nu^2u(t)\approx f(t).
- More precisely: \gamma \vert\dot u\vert\approx\sqrt{\gamma}\vert f\vert <<\vert f\vert.
In case 1. the exterior force is balanced by the friction force and in case 2. by an out-of-balance harmonic oscillator. If we view r(t) = f(t) - \gamma\dot u(t) as an observable net residual force, we
then have that
- Non-resonant forcing gives r(t)\approx 0: Nothing can be observed.
- Resonant forcing r(t) \approx f(t): Something can be observed.
This gives substance to the experience that absorption and emission, as in absorption/emission spectroscopy, are related:
- A system which can absorb radiation can also emit radiation of the same frequency, and vice versa.
- A non-resonant system does not absorb anything and nothing observable is emitted.
- Resonant absorption can be observed by some form of emission. This does not require emission to be equal to absorption, but they come together.
- In absorption spectroscopy a cold gas is absorbing incoming radiation, which is observable as a dip in the spectrum observed after passage through the gas resulting from heating the gas.
- In emission spectroscopy of a hot gas, emission is observable but not absorption.
- The resonance frequency connects to the difference in energy level between two electronic states since emission results from charge oscillation (connected to the Abraham-Lorentz force) of such frequencies. Hence also absorption of such these frequencies can be observable as a result of force oscillation.
Note that both absorption and emission is a resonance phenomenon driven by forces and as such is a wave phenomenon in the spirit of Schrödinger and not a "corpuscular phenomenon", whatever that may be, as is the current wisdom rooted in Einstein's "explanation" of the photoelectric effect based on "light particles" or "photons" of energy h\nu jumping stochastically back and forth seemingly without being subject to forces.
But physics is all about forces and physics without forces is non-physics.
But physics is all about forces and physics without forces is non-physics.
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