tisdag 4 mars 2025

Swedish Stupidity

Sad to say the following video all too well describes the Stupidity of Swedish Foreign Policy of today:

In March 7 2024 Sweden gave up its 200 years of neutrality by joining NATO in its proxy war against Russia to expand NATO into Ukraine. This happened without debate over night and since then the Swedish people has been led by massive propaganda to prepare for war with opposition to war efficiently suppressed. 

Bonhoeffer says that stupidity has no moral, which in Sweden today is expressed in the mantra that the death of 1 million Ukrainian soldiers is justified because it has saved Sweden from Russian invasion.  

Bonhoeffer’s Argument on Stupidity

  1. Stupidity is more dangerous than evil – While evil can be confronted and exposed, stupidity is much harder to counter because a stupid person is often unaware of their own ignorance.
  2. Stupidity is not an intellectual defect but a moral one – Bonhoeffer did not see stupidity as a lack of intelligence but rather as a failure to think critically or ethically. It arises when people allow themselves to be manipulated.
  3. People become stupid in groups – He observed that individuals often lose their ability to think independently when they conform to mass movements, propaganda, or authoritarian regimes. Stupidity thrives in environments where people surrender their autonomy to power.
  4. Stupid people are resistant to facts – Reasoning with a stupid person is almost impossible because they refuse to listen to reason. Instead, they cling to slogans and ideologies fed to them by those in power.
  5. The only way to counter stupidity is through inner liberation – Bonhoeffer believed that true wisdom comes from a deep ethical and spiritual awakening, not just education. A society can only free itself from stupidity when people take responsibility for their thinking.

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