torsdag 29 februari 2024

A Logical Analysis of Swedish Foreign Policy

Swedish State Media and Press serve the Swedish people everyday the following message:

  • Russia cannot be allowed to win the war in Ukraine                                 (A)
supported by information that mercenaries from 46 nations is helping the Ukranian army, because
  • Russia is winning the war.                                                                             (B)
We understand that (A) and (B) cannot both be true and further that there is some ambiguity hidden in "cannot be allowed": Is it USA/NATO/Sweden who will set a stop to (B) or some divine power? 

Let's consider the first option: 

  • USA/NATO/Sweden cannot allow Russia to win the war in Ukraine.      (AA)
The only way to make (AA) come true is by a direct intervention since the present two year proxy war has led to (B). This is what Macron said hosting a Ukraine Summit with European Heads of State

In other words, to stop Russia from winning the war, which is what is now happening,  it is necessary to 
  • escalate to a full scale war between USA/NATO/Sweden and Russia  (C)
which is what now is happening. 

We conclude that (C) is required to make (AA) true. But (C) will lead to WWIII, where 
  • USA/NATO/Sweden will lose                                                                               (D)
since in a nuclear war everybody loses.  

We understand that the only way (A) can be made true is that also (D) is made true: 
  • To stop Russia from winning, requires USA/NATO/Sweden to lose.          (E) 
The trouble is that the politicians running the show of USA/NATO/Sweden are not capable of logical thinking and so to them (E) is incomprehensible far beyond their limits of imagination. This is very unfortunate to all the people understanding very well what (E) means. And you? 

PS1 Sanctions against Russia which hurt West much more than Russia is a similar milder form of self-infliction to stop an adversary. 

PS2 I have followed a line of thought that the lack of logic in modern western politics is a result of the corruption of logic in modern western physics initiated by Einstein. Does it make sense? 

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