tisdag 16 augusti 2022

Skall Sverige Rädda Tyskland från Kall Dusch?

Svenska Dagbladet meddelar idag svenska folket:
SvD har intervjuat Erik Ek, strategisk driftschef på statliga Svenska Kraftnät, som säger:
  • Krismedvetenheten är låg i Sverige jämfört med hur det ser ut i Europa, fast vi pratar så mycket om elpriserna.
  • Tyskar, spanjorer och nederländare vet exakt, rent praktiskt, vad de ska göra för att vintern ska klaras bättre.
  • Där har man ministrar som säger hur länge de duschar för inte det inte ska gå åt så mycket energi för att värma duschvattnet. Kommunala bad stänger av varmvattnet i duscharna och fontäner pumpas inte runt i vissa tyska städer. 
Erik Ek utvecklar vidare:
  • Om vi skulle börja spara el nu och i stället exportera ännu mer el till Tyskland, så kan Tyskland spara naturgas i bergrummen.
Sverige skulle alltså med hjälp av Svenska Kraftnät, om nu alla vi svenskar sparar duktigt under återstoden av den svenska sommaren och nöjer oss med friska havsbad (gärna långt in på hösten) istället för varma duschar, kunna säkerställa att tyska ministrar under kommande vargavinter kan duscha om inte varmt så i alla fall inte iskallt. Vill vi ställa upp? Vi är väl fortfarande en humanitär stormakt?

PS Man kan väl säga att vad gäller dusch så passar kallt och fort väl ihop, men å andra sidan skulle man ju kunna njuta av långa kalla duschar eftersom ingen uppvärmning fordras, så varför inte passa på så länge det finns vatten?


2 kommentarer:

  1. Det är inte ofta du missar en uppenbar poäng, Claes. Som matematiker kan du säkert räkna ut hur mycket tid tyska folket sparar när de rusar igenom duschen. Äntligen får alla tid att vaccinera sig!

  2. LOL@Klimate Katastrophe Kooks16 augusti 2022 kl. 20:32

    All of this self-imposed suffering, and all for a lie (backradiation) to back a scam (CAGW) which is the vehicle for a power grab (Build Back Better) ushering in a Marxist totalitarian world government... and all people have to do is educate themselves a bit, reject unscientific drivel, and all of this goes away.

    We know the climastrologist blather violates 2LoT in the Clausius Statement sense in their claim of 'backradiation' (energy flowing up an energy density gradient without external energy pushing that system energy up the energy density gradient).

    We know their blather violates the Principle of Entropy Maximization (in their claim that objects > 0 K emit and absorb, so at thermodynamic equilibrium, objects are still emitting and absorbing radiation)... but entropy doesn't change at TE, so they must claim that radiative energy transfer is an idealized reversible process... except we know that thermodynamic equilibrium is defined as a quiescent state, that energy doesn't flow at TE, and that radiative energy transfer is an entropic, temporal and irreversible process.

    We know (from their claim above that objects > 0 K emit and absorb radiation) that if that were true, the energy density in a cavity space would be double that which we calculate via Stefan's Law.

    So their blather violates 2LoT in the Clausius Statement sense, the Principle of Entropy Maximization and Stefan's Law, not to mention many other physical laws.

    If people were aware of this, they'd reject CAGW and the entire edifice would crumble... there is no 'backradiation' (energy does not, cannot, flow from lower to higher energy density without external energy doing work to push that system energy up the energy density gradient), your 'carbon footprint' doesn't harm the planet (and in fact helps its flora) and you don't have to suffer with cold showers, a hot house in summer and a cold house in winter, nor any of the other humanity-hating bafflegab the climate loons are pushing, to include depopulating the planet to less than 500 million people... yes, the kooks are planning (have been planning for many, many years now) to cull humanity somehow... likely via damaging the ability to reproduce, since even they admit they cannot outright cull people. They've written and published books about it. And these aren't random people... they're the ones running the UN.


    Idealized blackbody objects > 0 K emit and absorb radiation. Idealized blackbody objects are provable contradictions and impossibilities... they do not actually exist. They are idealizations.

    Real world (graybody) objects > 0 K above their ambient emit and absorb radiation.

    The climastrologists can only get away with their scam by treating real-world (graybody) objects as though they're idealized blackbody objects (emission to 0 K, ε = 1), or (sometimes) as a hybrid gray / blackbody (emission to 0 K, but ε < 1).

    The Kiehl-Trenberth Energy Balance graphic treats a real-world (graybody) planetary surface as if it were an idealized blackbody object (emission to 0 K, ε = 1). All later similar graphics do the same, some give the surface ε < 1, but still assume emission to 0 K.

    That's unphysical. It essentially isolates each graybody object into its own system, where it cannot interact with other objects via the ambient EM field, then through hand-wavium they 'connect' the objects by subtracting the wholly-fictive 'cooler to warmer' energy flow from the real (but too high because it was calculated for emission to 0 K) 'warmer to cooler' energy flow... that's not how the S-B equation is meant to be used, it's meant to be used to subtract energy density of the cooler object from the energy density of the warmer object... the energy density gradient determining warmer object radiant exitance.
