The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics involving the concept of entropy, is surrounded with mystery. John von Neumann (1903-1957) was a very clever mathematician who offered the following advice:
- No one really knows what entropy really is, so in a debate you will always have the advantage (by pretending that you know).
Computational Thermodynamics (see also EulerRight!) presents a New 2nd Law of Thermodynamics (without reference to entropy) resulting from the Euler equations for a compressible gas subject to finite precision computation in the following form, with the dot signifying time differentiation:
- \dot K = W - D (1)
- \dot E = -W + D (2)
where K is kinetic energy, E internal (heat) energy, W is work and D > 0 is turbulent/shock dissipation. The sign of D > 0 sets the direction of time with always transfer of energy from kinetic to heat energy, filled with content noting that W>0 in expansion and W<0 in compression. By summing (1) and (2) the total energy K+E is seen to remain constant over time. The novelty of the New 2nd Law is that D > 0 is seen to be a consequence of finite precision computation combined with complexity expressed as a necessary presence of turbulence and shocks making exact solution of the Euler equations impossible, and with D>0 as a cost of large scale kinetic energy turned into small scale kinetic energy perceived as heat energy produced by turbulent/shock dissipation.
The Standard 2nd Law takes the form
with T>0 temperature and S is named entropy supposed to satisfy \dot S>0. The mystery of the standard 2nd Law is to give entropy a physical meaning and motivate why the entropy S necessarily increases. An answer was attempted by Boltzmann using statistics with supposedly \dot S>0 expressing a necessary irreversible development over time from more ordered states to less ordered states.
Comparing the New 2nd Law and the Standard 2nd Law we see that T\dot S = D and thus \dot S>0 is a result of D>0 seen as entropy production and so the basic question concerning the 2nd Law is to motivate why D>0. The answer given by finite precision computation + complexity is that turbulent/shock dissipation D can be seen as a necessary positive cost to pay for not being able to solve the Euler equations exactly (resorting to residual stabilisation), which in physical terms corresponds to large scale kinetic energy being destroyed/transformed into small scale kinetic energy in a process of turbulent/shock dissipation, which is irreversible because it is impossible in finite precision to reconstruct ordered large scale kinetic energy from unordered small scale kinetic energy.
To connect to Boltzmann it is possible to see this transformation as turbulent/shock dissipation from large to small scale kinetic as a destruction of order. The new aspect is that this destruction of order has an explanation as a necessary consequence of finite precision + complexity without resort to statistics.
Another aspect is that D<0 would by (1) generate large scale kinetic energy K in unphysical blow-up, while the generation of small scale kinetic energy as heat energy E with D>0 in (2) is a stable physical process without blow-up.
Also note that in the Standard 2nd Law, assuming that D results from a dissipative mechanism carries the information that D>0, but the question why D is a result of dissipation is left without answer. The New 2nd Law gives an answer as finite precision computation + complexity.
The New 2nd Law connects physics to computation with physics seen as a form of finite precision computation taking a system from one time level to a next.
PS1 You can make an analogy by viewing criminality in two different ways: The Standard way would be to say that all people are criminal, more or less, and so there is no wonder that criminality exists. The New way would be to say that it is impossible for everybody to exactly satisfy the requirements of law and order in the presence of large inequalities and so a non-zero amount of criminality (depending on the amount of inequality) cannot be avoided. Moreover, society can be stable to small scale crime but not large scale.
PS2 Recall that thermodynamics was founded 1865 on the idea that
to be compared with what von Neumann said about entropy.
PS3 The basic question can also be formulated:
- How can a system which (formally) is reversible be irreversible?
- How can a dissipative effect arise in a system which (formally) has no dissipation?
My answer is finite precision computation + complexity. The standard answer is statistics (or molecular chaos, see PS4).
PS4 Boltzmann tried to justify a 2nd Law through the Boltzmann equations, which he derived from an assumption of molecular chaos in a particle collision model, explained on Wikipedia as follows:
- A key insight applied by Boltzmann was to determine the collision term resulting solely from two-body collisions between particles that are assumed to be uncorrelated prior to the collision. This assumption was referred to by Boltzmann as the "Stosszahlansatz" and is also known as the "molecular chaos assumption”.
But how can you verify this assumption? It was used by Boltzmann to derive his H-theorem viewed as a (much disputed) proof of the 2nd Law. There does not seem to be any convincing mathematical proof/justification of the 2nd Law beyond the H-theorem.
PS5 Another (standard) approach is to take mean values in a particle-spring (or quantum mechanical) model, which will introduce diffusion. But Nature does not care to compute mean values and so the physicality of such a model (with diffusion arising for mean values) can be questioned.
PS6 By rubbing your hands against each other (large scale motion) you can by friction generate heat (small scale motion) thus increasing the temperature. But you cannot get your hands rubbing by allowing their temperature to decrease. It remains to explain why there is friction between your hands and why friction generates heat.
PS7 The residual stabilisation enters as a loss of kinetic energy reflecting that the Euler equations cannot be solved exactly thus leaving a non-zero residual, thus introducing a friction effect from violation/rupture of physics as an effect of rubbing.
Is it that simple that entropy is lost energy in dissipative mechanisms such as turbulence and friction, not accounted for in traditional thermodynamics, but now possible to simulate by finite precision computation + complexity?
SvaraRaderaAre there other dissipative mechanisms?
In thermodynamics the main dissipative mechanism is turbulence as a loss of kinetic energy
RaderaIt is quite detrimental to attempt to formulate the laws of thermodynamics without entropy. Entropy is a state variable, which can be calculated and measured for any thermodynamic state. It can be used to define useful quantities like Gibbs free energy, which allows one to calculate the maximum work available from a chemical reaction — an extremely important quantity.
SvaraRaderaIn contrast, your dissipation D is a path-dependent process variable. It is impossible to define D for a given state, so it cannot be used in the same way as the entropy.
You are right that entropy for an ideal gas is a state variable, and as such can carry some information even if does not have a clear physical meaning, but the transformation of a system from an initial state into a final state is a dynamic process and so path dependent. So you cannot get to know the final state from the initial state if you do not go through the dynamic process except in some few simple cases. You can compute the final state by Euler CFD without invoking entropy.